A Place where you get drunk and smoke.
rez kids dirt biking and quading.
kids saying “Les” all the time
it’s very boring but it has its moments.
person 1: eee let’s go to paddle prairie
person: nah let’s go to fort bro
a cough that occurs simultaneously with a fart
judging by the look on his face that was a prairie cough; he may need a change of underwear
14👍 3👎
A large hard turd being sucked in and out of a body cavity by use of the sphyncter muscle.
Synonym - "Cresting"
Dude, I gotta find a shitter 'cause I'm Prairie Doggin it right now
99👍 39👎
Sun Prairie a.k.a. SP
small town in Wisconsin defined by cows and overexcited rent-a-cops in the local high school
Near Madison, WI
Fairly uneventful town with pedantic citizens making up the majority of the area
"Omg I can't believe I'm stuck in Sun Prairie"
"Me either...."
"Let's go smoke pot"
92👍 40👎
Barrington Middle School Prairie Campus. Where there’s only two successful couples that make out and the rest are just having sex. Most people are rich but some are poor and the rich ones flex on the poor one. There’s always that one extremely rich girl that thinks everyone’s as rich as her and talks about Gucci and Luis Vuitton. Most sixth graders say they’re going to fight but then back out, and the seventh graders all lost their virginity. Mr. Gillete thinks he rules the school and Mr. Lobbins doesn’t do shit. Welcome to Barrington Prairie Middle School kids🤠
Poor-ish girl: omg my dads buying me something. Idk what to ask for!
Extremely rich girl: omg ask for new AirForce1’s or an iPhone XR!!
Poor-ish girl: um...
Welcome to bms prairie:)
7👍 1👎
Crow Indians who come from the reservation by Hardin and are hated by anyone who lives in Billings.
If you see a 22 at the beginning of the license plate its most likely a prairie nigger
157👍 76👎
Over a hundred years ago, Europeans stole this land from the prairie niggers. also called "injuns".
208👍 105👎