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Unconditional negative regard

When you go above and beyond and take on extra tasks, but regardless how kind and helpful you are, the people you are serving hold you in negative regard and only expect you to do more. They label you as lazy to manipulate you into accepting additional tasks. Like Cinderella.

“Excuse me, Miss, you seem to have missed a spot cleaning the floors today. All you must do is stand around. Why aren’t you ever working?”

“Sounds like a case of unconditional negative regard. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”

“I ordered a hot chocolate with 3 ice cubes. Not 4! You never do anything right.”

“I guess it’s impossible to please you. I have your unconditional negative regard.”

by Poet678 November 11, 2024

Taste Ratings Regarding Abercrombie Plus Fitch Way Of

Just as one ex-employee connected with Abercrombie & Fitch, We point out that the clothes are amazing and appearance really good. I'm a sucker for typically the lifestyle belonging to the business and also the effect the moment you go to a great /www.abercrombiefitche.co.uk/.This is now undoubtedly one of the best accumulate people approach a particular shopping area. The songs additionally the logo specialists provide the retain a romantic, youthful atmosphere.

Taste Ratings Regarding Abercrombie Plus Fitch Way Of Your black and white images are really encouraging and even make visitors firmly into constant /www.abercrombiefitche.co.uk/ clientele. The music activity shooting additionally, the quality fragrance having to do with scent is needed to achieve promotional and moreover useful to draw attention away an client as well. It may seem to build a particular unreal modern world that may be "Abercrombie" together with patron are used up built in.

by abercrombie fitch May 29, 2012

Regarding D

The wackiest craziest silliest lady everr. She is twins with Stimpy and the two braid each others hair. Will make fanart of you if you ask perwinkelly

Man, this Regarding D is not really funny

by Zooweemamamammamamamamama December 12, 2024


Often followed by “Robert Tomarelli,” it is used by aging rec league softball players to demonstrate their compassionate side, which is often overshadowed by their competitive side (yelling at teammates)

Teammate: I couldn’t catch the fucking ball today
The Regarder: That’s okay, you still played a good game. Regards, Robert Tomarelli

by BowserTheJawn June 5, 2023


Regards is a "Polite" term used when you want to scream "FUCKK OFF" in an email to your superiors.

"Kind Regards, ******"

by Destiiiellll December 11, 2021


Ever since websites banned retard, this became its synonym.

Bought at the top, sold at the bottom. Must be very regarded.

by Heosus_dad August 28, 2022

1👍 1👎

Salty Regards

Salty Regards - a term that originated on r/WSB and means 'regards' that lost most of their portfolio in one play on options and lost the remainder on revenge play the same week.

Example: What's with the new faces at Wendy's mom?

Mom/Karen - Salty Regards, from last week. Waiting in line to apply for a day job but can't afford non-slip black shoes so get turned away.

Child - Aww I see.. I miss my brother..

Mom/Karen - That's also why your older brother is moving in back home tomorrow.

Child - Yayyy!

by Chad_Tyrone July 2, 2024