Source Code

redbox return

reusing a used tampon.

that bitch was so poor, she had to do a redbox return

by bi-polar bare February 16, 2009

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Hole of no return

The label of any slut that has Herpes, Genital Warts, and HIV AIDS. This evil bitch will stop at nothing to secretly spread her diseases with unaware participants. Usually found behind waffle houses eating trashed foods and seeking young inexperienced victims.

Casey- Hey Cindy is it true about your brother.

Cindy- Yeah it happened... Tray fucked the hole of no return. We are planning funeral arrangements... it won't be long.

by ADDT-JACE February 8, 2015

Poop of No Return

When you're close enough to your destination that it doesn't make sense to stop and poop, but far enough from home that you wouldn't have been able to go before you left.

Bill passed the rest stop and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. It was going to be close, since he was 15 minutes from his grandma's house, but he had passed the Poop of No Return.

by milkacows_mom April 8, 2010

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return of the Real

Term used by psychoanalysts, especially Lacanians, for the eruption into social life of impulses or phenomena which have been repressed from the symbolic order in the process of the formation of a master-signifier. The excluded element is not destroyed but returns in a form which is incomprehensible and terrifying. A "return of the Real" is a sudden eruption and interruption which spectacularly reveals the contingency of social relations and shatters fixed certainties.

For instance, Slavoj Zizek analysed September 11th as a "return of the Real": the repressed fundamentalist impulse which was the hidden outcome of the US's own activities produced an explosive and terrifying result which rocked people's identities and the existing political framework.

A reworking of the return of the repressed.

Doesn't make as much sense outside Lacanian ontology, because the violence and negativity of the "return of the Real" are crucial to its use as a concept. One can reconfigure it to some extent if one suggests that the social order makes its own Real, so that the phrase "return" is simply figurative.

by Andy May 7, 2004

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return tapes


unf, unf did you see that picture of Adam Lambert? it made me want to return tapes

by ka4real November 21, 2009

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Returning the Favor

The act of performing filatio in return for the opposite member giving cunnalingus, or vise versa

'And she didn't even return the favor? what a bitch!'

'Her BJ was so good, i had to return the favor... even though she tasted like tuna'

by DespairChild July 6, 2004

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Tax Return

When you are about climax and you pull out half way just like what the government does to everyday people.

"Bob's pull out game is weak he always tax returns."

by FSnake March 21, 2017

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