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A combination word of “scrambled” and “jumbled”. Used when something is very messed up or confused or messy

“I woke up at the wrong time and now my brain is all scrumbled
“I dropped the container of string and now it’s scrumbled together”

by The Tall Rat January 4, 2024


The act of eat tofu out of someone's asshole. Top priority in a vegan relationship!

I scrumbled her good last night to fight the urge of eating bacon!

by JuleusPeperwood September 14, 2017


argue or quarrel

mike: why are you fighting with susie?
me: i’m not, we’re just in a scrumble

by donkey asks October 18, 2023


To eat something in a positive way. Comes from the words "Skrunkle" and "Scrumptious."

"Oh jeez dude I am absolutely scrumbling right now."
"Yes. I am about to scrumble this taco."

by itsthatWasd February 5, 2023


1. When constantly called Scrumble(s) it means you are an awesome person that can sometimes be annoying.
2. When you say someone is a scrumble that means they are being annoying.

1. I think I am going to start calling you Scrumbles broseph.

2. Dude your being such a scrumble right now.

by Scrumbles November 10, 2010


An obviously fake and staged fight, mostly preformed at schools.

He just said that was a fight but that was more of a Scrumble if you ask me.

by ItsPB February 8, 2023

Scrumble of the Bumble

Ligit just bumble scrumble

Jake:wanna scrumble of the bumble?
Jake:You know bumble scrumble 😉

by youmaaaaaaaaisgay December 7, 2020