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Gay Seat

n. Usually in a Movie Theatre, the empty seat between two males; Used to proclaim heterosexuality in a situation that might give others a reason to think otherwise.

Hey dude, can you slide over so we can make room for some gay seats.

by Nate Dawg January 24, 2004

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Catbird Seat

The lead; a favorable position.

George Bush is in the catbird seat for now, but John Kerry is expected to give him a run for his money.

by Ansky1213 May 7, 2004

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The Bicycle Seat

When your bend your boner back so that you lightly tickle your butt hole.

Last night all i did was The Bicycle Seat.

by Prendle May 6, 2008

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seated dance

When an individual is swirling his/her arms and rocking his/her hips sideways to the music (particularly hip hop); but too lazy or drunk to pick his/her ass up and dance.
Most of these instances are sighted in bars, fraternities/sororities and in ricers and pimped rides.

As soon as the DJ switched to "Slim Shady" by eminem, Joe wanted to get up from the couch and dance to it, but he was too wasted and just did a seated dance.

by a_sporty August 24, 2014

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back seat

to "take a back seat" is to assume a non-participatory role on an issue or situation.

"I'm sick of taking a back seat about things that go on around here. I'm gonna say a few things at tomorrow's meeting!"

by Bungalow Bill July 29, 2005

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toilet seat

what according to women should be down all the time, like someone is lifting it up for men when they have to take a piss.

I have to lift the fucking toilet seat myself

by Slunjan July 18, 2008

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Seat Surfing

Seat Surfing is the act of hopping from seat to seat to get to a desired area in a Stadium or Arena. This is an alternative to sliding your way to an isle walking down to the row and sliding your way back in.

Mike: Woah! Where did you come from Alex? I called you like 30 seconds ago.

Alex: I was all the way up in row 23 when you called me. I knew it would take forever if I took the isle, so i saved time by Seat Surfing my way down here.

by Firelancer69 July 20, 2009