Hym "I'm not ceding to your delicate sensibilities regarding women or jew or whatever. The ONLY... Reason you are doing what you are doing (in relationship to me)... Is because YOU KNOW... That the second MY MONEY for MY CONTRIBUTIONS is in MY BANK ACCOUNT... YOUR INPUT... No longer matters. You can no longer coerce or extortion a desired output from me and that is literally all you care about. And I'm not going to let you cattle prod me into thinking women good even if they don't fuck me or jews need to be protected so I have change my nomenclature. Unless your desire outcome is child murder... Your input doesn't matter. Your input WILL NOT MATTER. The screen is locked. Insert coins immediately or self-detonation is imminent. Full rights. I'm not changing my mind until the opposite of what is happening, happens. You get the fuck out of my existence you fucking trash."
( sensitive urban zones in English and abbreviated ZUS in French of France): urban based Muslim ghettos within major European cities where only Sharia law is practiced/ enforced
some zones urbaines sensibles are so dangerous that they are effectively " no-go zones' for both non musims and the local police
( sensitive urban zones in English, and abbreviated ZUS in French of France, also called no-go zones):
urban Muslim ghettos in major European cities where little or no integration/assimilation takes place
How can these zones urbaines sensibles exist if we want to integrate and assimilate these individuals?
( sensitive urban zones in English, and abbreviated ZUS in French of France, also called no-go zones): urban Muslim ghettos in major European cities where little or no integration/assimilation takes place
How can these zones urbaines sensibles exist if we want to integrate and assimilate these individuals?
(Sensitive urban zones in French if France): self-created Muslim ghettos in major European cities where there is little to no integration and assimilation of Muslims.
Zones urbaines sensibles shouldn't exist in countries pricing themselves on assimilation and integration.
One of the three endings in Grand Theft Auto V in which you kill Trevor
Mission Objectives For Something Sensible: (For Gold Medal)
⇨ Judas! (Kill Trevor)