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eat shit

an expression of extreme dislike or anger when used in the imperitive, ie go fuck yourself

"You THINK I'm the selfish one in this relationship, Jack? Well, eat shit and die!"

by Rachel Broderick April 20, 2005

830πŸ‘ 330πŸ‘Ž

eat shit

To take a bad fall, similar to the terms "eat snow" in snow skiing and "eat dirt" in biking. Eat shit can conveniently be used to describe a fall on any kind of terrain, including gravel, concrete, snow, ice, water, or anything you can think of. It is a commonly used term in waterskiing.

Dude... I'm a great waterskiier, but I always eat shit coming around that damn turn!

by JCGould May 5, 2008

145πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Eating Shit

Like getting fucked over when you crash and it is very paintful

Example 1

Brenda-How did your skate boarding go?

Jim-Oh it was bad i ate shit

Example 2

Brenda-Jim looks like he's hurt

James-He's eating shit

by Alex Choni August 2, 2008

58πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

eating shit

To basically sit around doing nothing of any productive value. Or another person or group of people participating in an activity that to you is a waste of time and is of no interest.

What did you do last night?
Not much, sat around at home eating shit.

Was the club poppin' last night?
Yeah, mad heads were up in the joint, but everyone was jus' standin' around eating shit.

by Paul Alexander January 29, 2008

54πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

eat shit

the act of putting a bit or chunk of feces in one's mouth, and then swallowing.

I am eating a piece of shit.

by James July 25, 2003

271πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž

Eat Shit

The perpetual process of doing nothing productive. Considered a life style by some, it involves procrastinating, smoking weed all the time and generally wasting unused potential.

Want to come over and eat shit?
I'm just eating shit at Kyle's house.
I ate shit all weekend.

by slumrum September 19, 2009

111πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Eat shit

1. A phrase commonly used to dismiss someone caustically, similar to β€œget fucked.”
2. To have an accident, usually related to falling to the ground.
3. To humble oneself, usually by admitting fault or offering subordination.

1. β€œHey, you know what? Eat shit, prick.”
2. β€œI was running to work because I was late, but I didn’t noticed how uneven the sidewalk was so I tripped and just completely ate shit. I barely even broke my fall.”
3. Alright, buddy. You know you fucked up, you can’t deny it any long. It’s time to eat shit. Grab a bib.

by Born worse ones May 25, 2019