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Skillz Academy

The Skillz Academy can not be defined, such is their power. They own everything and they are everything. They can do anything and everything all at once. The Skillz Academy Goat and the Skillz Academy Rabbit are members of the Skillz Academy. All else are PEASANTS.

All hail the mighty Skillz Academy, who do no wrong!

The Skillz, we are forever grateful for!

by sag_31 November 15, 2021

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Pro skillz

A word that describes the coolness or skillz of something. Shouldn't be used frequently cause not everything is pro skillz.

Dude, that basketball is pro skillz.

Did you see that pro skillz swish?

by The_guy_in_5m_who_invented_it June 15, 2011

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Skills that are beyond the pros. You are so good you are above every pro.

Dude, you just beat fatal1y you got ultra-leet-skillz

by computergamer56 May 24, 2009

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Uber Ninja Banana Skillz

Skillz that only a geneticly mutated banana that is trained in the wayz of the Ninjaz could have.

W00t.Look at those Uber Ninja Banana Skillz. I just pwned both their asses.

by Zak_the_N1NJ@ May 11, 2008

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Impeccable Skillz

A level only reached by mastering a skill set so thoroughly that it is God level

Listen to impeccable skillz furnace music streaming on all platforms today!!!

by Donald Trump 45 November 30, 2019

my snowboarding skillz

the second video uploaded on youtube

my snowboarding skillz is the second video uploaded on youtube

by the kundian May 21, 2023

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SkillZ chomp

a incredibly skilled gamer who is a very good call of duty player and has carried his squeal to 1000โ€™s of wins and regarded as one of the best and loved by his team mates

SkillZ chomp is a very skilled gamer and just won another game

by bombboy123 March 24, 2023