A person who sniffs out other people's shame.
Constantly on the persute of finding others negative qualities, Hal, was known as a leaf smeller.
a stanky person ,mainly a girl that doesn't know how to wash their genitals.
"Damn,this class room smells fish!"
*Grabs book that fell on the floor"
"Ew it's her! Smeller ."
"It figures! She always smells like tuna or cat fish."
"Yeah,it happens to be smeller."
A bitch that makes you want to cry
A FART SMELLER is often mistaken as a Smart Feller or a Smart Speller. The difference is that a Fart Smeller also smells farts.
That a-hole is such a Fart Smeller and always gets a 100 on the spelling exams!!!