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top spaceship

someone who prefers to go on top during intercourse, also someone I love dearly, they're also half spaceship

I love you Top Spaceship
Thank you for being there for me Top Spaceship

by peterparker1616 April 7, 2018

ganja spaceship

a vehicle used to cruz around while smoking the ganja!

Yo want to take a ride in the ganja spaceship?

by j_villeda November 22, 2010

Spaceship Boat

(spayse-sheep-boat) n.
A spaceship boat is a type of water craft originaly created for the movie 2012 that came out in 2009.

This type of water craft is typically associated with redneck rage, as many of the southern persuation dislike advanced technology to a high degree. they express their dislike quite openly.

they are large Submarine type boats that can be seen as a spaceship like craft. Otherwise

a redneck might say

by WeStrikeAgain January 6, 2010

chicken in a spaceship

A roast whole chicken sold in a clear plastic container, typically hot and ready to eat, from the grocery store.

Jane: We were hungry so we went to the grocery store to buy some chicken in a spaceship.
Dick: A what?
Jane: A chicken in a motherfuckin spaceship. You know, those roasted chickens in the deli?
Dick: Oh, yeah, I know.

by nirak April 22, 2015

your spaceship

basically beats "your mom", "your face", "jerk face", or any variation thereof.

jared: your stupid.
sam: your face.
jared: your spaceship biznatch!
sam: you win. :(

by thatboysabin November 19, 2005

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Rusty Spaceship

To Freeze a turd and use it as a dill doe in that special someone's vagina.

I squeezed off a fresh loaf and decided to use the old Rusty Spaceship on my girlfriend.

by sgt_purdyjd March 24, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nubular spaceship

Rooting from the word Nub, something you say when someone is being a complete nub or doing something extremely stupid.

Me: Dude, you are so riding on the nubular spaceship.

by Lil Dyl Fresh July 27, 2011