You go into a ship, its pitch black. Lots of dead things laying everywhere
blood everywhere
A child ghost appears and tries to kill you
You have to run away and cant even hurt the ghost
Soupy poop, diarrhea, runny poop
Man, after drinking all week I've had a real bad case of the spoops. I really shit myself! It was running out of me like a waterfall!
when you get so scared you poop your self
Oh o i got spooped then i pooped
the tool used for loading a dab into a dab rig
“can you hand me the spoop, i want to do a dab”
Fuck around and get spooped
I just finished getting my pumpkin spice latte, next thing you know I fucked around and got spooped
Definitely a real actual thing real actual people say all the time. It's randomly improvised in place of sayings people actually say like, "scared me silly".
"Skinamarink... spooped my booke."