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To assume ones characteristics based on the observed characteristics of other members of that particular group.

And to all you people saying that stereotypes are bad, ignorant people, guess what, your stereotyping stereotypers. That means you're worse than they are for not only stereotyping, but for also being a hypocrite. This is the kind of dumb shit you expect from someone who's mother didn't take enough cyanide.

Mindy: Oh, people who stereotype are bad, ignorant people

John: You're stereotyping stereotypers, dipshit.

by fgsfdsMASTER December 24, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


An idea used because you don't understand something someone different does. Ex. You may think all Jamacians smoke weed, while in reality it's part of their religon, and they're Rastafarians. Ex. You may think Italians all have dark hair/skin, while in reality, that's only southern italians while Northern Italians can have blond hair and blue eyes. You may think Southern people are all stupid, while in reality, they just have an accent, so do most people. You may think Northern people all live in big cities and are stuck up, while in reality a lot of us live in suburbs and we are pretty low key people. You may think California is all beaches, while in reality is has beautiful beaches, large cities, ghettos, desserts, and shitty places. You may think that people from Jersey say "Joisey" but in reality we say "Jurzee". There are millions more, but yeah sterotypes are used to identify people you don't understand.

Stereotypes may contain some true facts but overall they exaggarate and generalize way too much.

by jersey kid January 12, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used to describe how people assume that a certain group of people behaves, dresses, and thinks a certain way.

Many definions on this website are based on stereotypes. See American Republican Democrat or anything possibly stereotyped. I promise you, it is on this website.

by Laura January 2, 2005

113๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


Preps are sluts that wear pink
French ladies like to strip off their clothes in public
Asians like anime
Mexicans like stealing stuff and moustaches
Boys are immature
Girls are smart
All black women have huge booties and breasts
All black men like rapping and busting up cars
People who live in the rich part of town are spoiled..
Muslims like to blow stuff up
Greek people (modern) like to play all their sports naked
Boys like to pick their nose and eat it..
Wearing thongs makes you a prostitute

example for stereotype is above

by iheartcartwheels April 16, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pathetic way for attention craving and simple minded teens to categorize others, making it seem like they are the only normal person, and everyone else has issues and wutever anyone else does is wrong

basically they talk through their ass

stereotype-ing fag: "oh ma god, u listen to Underoath??? You must be an emo wrist cutter"

stereotyping fag: "u skate??? youre such a poser. skaters hav long hair and wear tight pants"

stereotyping fag: "listening to metal means youre goth"
stereotyping fag: "arab people wear turbans with m80s inside them"

by mother fuggin snakes August 18, 2006

105๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


an assumption to label a group of people though someone only knows a few things about them. often, stereotypes limit judgement and can be racist and sexist. sometimes they are true with evidence, but they are mostly based on incorrect opinions

things that are commonly stereotyped:
races- white black asian indian arabs hispanics etc...
music- rap rock classical country jazz r'n'b etc...
subcultures- emo goth chav wigger thug/gangsta prep geeks nerds etc...
sexes- male female gays lesbians transexuals hermaphrodites etc...
physical characteristics- blondes brunettes short tall etc...
social standing- suburban ghetto poor middle-class rich filthy rich etc...

by this website is ruined October 12, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stereotypeism is a phrase usually said on TV by an actor playing a foreign/reigional character and completely screwing up by resorting to stereotypes. Nearly always seen when an american tries to play an English person, who they always say are British DESPITE the fact that britain includes Wales and Scotland as well, and they're either posh or a cockney despite the fact that there are hundreds of dialects to choose from. Stupid yanks.
It's all Hugh Grant's fault actually.

Note: we english actors are much better at putting on american accents, like Hugh Lauire in House. And we're better actors anyway which is why we always play the bad guys.

Yank actor:"Tally ho, what? I'm British you know! Mm toodle pip, must go and polish my statue of the queen, what what?"

English person watching telly: "What a dipstick, using a typical stereotypeism like that."

American watching same TV: "Yeah man he got that Brit accent right on! GO AMERICA! WHO WANTS BEER AND CHIPS? HELL YEAH!"

*fight propmtley ensues*

by willmeister December 1, 2006

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