Source Code

Animan studios

A studio that makes interesting animations about mostly men.

Yo this animan studios video is πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

by Dontsearchweirdthingsonhere March 17, 2023

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

visual studio

See pile of shit

Visual studio just crashed... again.

by Deglis August 10, 2017

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Studio Band

A band that uses several computerized programs to pitch correct and Autotone vocals as well as perfect instrumentals, but when preforming live (out of the studio) sound like a poor, inebriated rendition of their recorded album.

Did you see the Superbowl XLV halftime show? Fergie sounded like she was pushing out a rabid ferret! The Black Eyed Peas showed the world just how big of a studio band they are.

by Cingsley February 7, 2011

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

retro studios

The best damn video game company ever created!

I someday wish to become a programmer for Retro Studios.

by Person July 31, 2004

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Gacha Studio

The most popular type of β€œanimation” in 2018. It’s blowing up Youtube with cliche stereotypes, such as”The Hated Child Who Becomes A Princess” or β€œThe Hated Child With Superpowers”.

OMG, did you see that Gacha Studio app that Christie downloaded? She thinks that it will get her more views on her channel!

by TechnoAxe November 28, 2018

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

BBK Studios

totally tubular lps dude-ular with three rad dads in a trenchcoat

BBK STUDIOS : hey, it's BBK Studios! today we're gonna be writing an urban dictionary definition
James: you wish you were us, crammed in a red bag with three of your best friends
Drag Queen: no ma'am

by trenchcoat buddie September 13, 2020

who was in the studio

phrase coined by YouTuber dashiexp, "Who was in the studio" is when a beat is so sick you squint your face and ask.

-sick beat in the background-
guy: YOO WHO WAS IN THE STUDIO?? sombody tearing in up in there...

by ThatGuyWhoGot1000thGodDef August 19, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž