Source Code

San Antonio Stuffy nose

When performing intercourse the man sticks his dingaling up the nasal cavity of a woman right when he is about to ejaculate.


Owwww, I can't breath. OW ow ow ow, I can't breath. It burrnnnss.

It's not called a San Antonio Stuffy nose because you are supposed to enjoy it.

by Freakishly tall couple January 20, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Antonio Stuffy Nose

pounding the shit out of your girls nose with your dick instead of being in her vajay or arse

my girl has crabs so i just give her a san antonio stuffy nose instead

by besticle September 6, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pat potato stuffy

When a tattooed gentleman named pat stuffs you with a potato

Omg last night pat gave me a pat potato stuffy all night.

by Cooperator September 30, 2019

Stuffy gang

A gang that only uses plushies as there character

Hey I'm in the stuffy gang

by Sofa couch May 30, 2019


kinda of like a fake looking girl ?? idk guys makes sense in my head

that girl is so stuffy

by cicibcicing November 1, 2023


he is a cool boy

i like stuffy or stuffygames

by Stufferson April 13, 2022


A person that is interested on anthropomorphic inanimate objects. Similar to the furry fandom, stuffy produce art, sutffsuits and conventions to share their love for the fandom.

You are such a stuffy Lucas! Stop drawing yourself as a lamp!

by Lucas Savedra July 20, 2024