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Rocket Surgery

A mixed metaphor describing a non-existent, yet implicitly high level of qualification. The greatness of this term is in its subtle ability to call someone stupid twice in one euphemism. The irony may go over someone's head and they would call out that this field of study doesn't exist.

A: Come on, it's not rocket surgery.
B: Are you fuckin retarded? There is no rocket surgery. Anyway, this is hard. I don't want to fuck up.
A: No dude, you're retarded. Just match the colors so I can jump start your car, dipshit.

by Johnny RS July 23, 2010

354👍 322👎

Neurointellectual Surgery

A nice try to add some brain to a poor skull vault. Nobody has succeeded in performing it to date. It has been an option for the future since decades.
It is what progress is all about.

Homer J. Simpson could do with some neurointellectual surgery.

by cinch January 4, 2012

Trench Surgery

Any informal surgical procedure conducted by friends or family with unorthodox, unclean and oftentimes inadequate tools.

Usually, the said procedure relieves very little symptoms and leaves you in more pain than when you started.

Bloke 1: “Asked my mum to get a massive splinter out of my foot. She used toenail clippers and just ended up pushing it in further.”

Bloke 2: “Ahh the old Trench Surgery didn’t go as planned hey?”

by BoiBoi747 March 23, 2021

Stretching Surgery

Stretching Surgery is a medical practice used to stretch out the males dick and balls out to extend them. It is usually done voluntarily and enjoyed by many people. ‘The Cock Stretcher’ is the main apparatus used in Stretching Surgery in order to stretch out the males dick and nuts to a suitable length (5 inches bigger). Stretching Surgery proved popular in the early 1930’s with over 430,000 cases of Stretching Surgery during the decade. 326,351 cases were handed out during WW1 to amputees for pleasure. Soon, Stretching Surgery was soon to die out until 2017 when doctors handed out free trials for Stretching Surgery to ‘struggling men’. Stretching Surgery is commonly mistaken for Mongolian Ball Torture, where the dick and nuts are cut off from the man and fed to the hounds. Whilst the remainders are cut off and sold on the Black Market.

Person 1: Hello, have you got your stretching surgery yet?
Person 2: Yeah it was pleasing and my dick and nuts seem extremely longer. You’ve gotta try it out at some point.

by Thicc Chungles August 31, 2019

Dental Surgery

Instant dental work to some mouthy fucker who has got (in a roundabout way) what he was asking for.

"And the Lord proclaimed all who believe in he shall be awarded entry to the kingdom of heaven and sit at his side....but if thy disbelieve in his almighty power the lord shall show his displeasure and wrath with the pox and scurvy and dental surgery"

by Burning blue soul January 16, 2017

social surgery

the swift removal of infected, parasidic and just plain full-of-shit people from your life.

i need to do some social surgery to my friends list

by trevsm April 19, 2011

4👍 1👎

Brastic Surgery

(Derived from plastic surgery) When a female wears a bra with so much padding that her breast size increases a whole letter. (i.e from B cup to C cup)

Joe: "Wow look at the rack on Shelby! Man, she almost looks attractive now"
Bill: "Don't be fooled, she just had a brastic surgery. She's still ugly as hell"

by tahreeksma November 2, 2010

4👍 1👎