A person between the age of 13-19, 90% of them are lazy dumbasses who think the're the only person in the world who struggles and wants to drop out early from school and do drugs instead of getting a good, stable, life. They usually listen to bands who"express similar pains" like Good Charlotte.
Me(interviewing one): How is it like being pimple on society's ass, who hangs out with losers?
Rebelious Teenager: Shut up man! Its not like you are going through what I am!*mope, whine, groan*
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teenagers are someone between the ages of 13 and 20, roughly. not all teenagers are bad, sure some of us are idiots, we simply have alot more to life than we think and some of us are misunderstood, and with all these jackass middle age adults complaining about teenagers because they cant tell the difference between real music and monkey screeching, life is harder for us. Some of us will get somewhere in life if we wake up soon enough to realise whats going on around us
all u shitbags online posting bad defs about how teenagers are terrible are probably just 40 50 heck maybe even 70 year old grannys cause you hate the youth cause ur a douche,
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Someone who should be prohibited from adding to the urban dictionary
If we did this the rate of trashy pablum in here would plummet
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Generally a person with attitudes and opinions bigger than their life experience. People whose attempts to stand out as someone "unique" and "interesting" are limited to something that changes them from the outside such as a tattoo or piercing; because they lack the character and personality to influence others from their own limited personal arsenal of attributes and qualities. We are all a teen at some point, unfortunately most of us have already acted stupid in front of the whole world before we grew up and realized just how much we didn't know.
Go to any public place and look for someone with their pants hanging down below their underwear, or the person behind the counter at the local store or restaurant who acts like they are doing you a favor by coming to work; let alone providing you any kind of customer service, professionalism, or respect. Those are generally "Teenagers."
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Teenager: (noun) When you're too young to do half the things you want to do and too old for the other half.
The visit is not an inspection; a teenagers bedroom is a teenager's bedroom!
In the language of today's teenager, he was cool.
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Look around you. Teenagers are everywhere
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Between the media bending over ass backwards to cater to them, and having virtually no real responsibilities to worry about they still manage to think they have it hard. Even worse are the trendy, psuedo-intellectual little pissants who claim that they're "mature for their age" or "not like the others" until their parents tell them to turn off the goddamn anime and go to bed. Sorry, a "mature teenager" is an oxymoron, dipshit. Get some life experience before you expect me to take you seriously. Get off the goddamn Dragonball Z message boards and do your homework.
Mood swings aren't a sympton of teenagerhood, they're a sympton of idiocy.
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