Peak, otherwise known as it's precise title: Kagurabachi, is a manga created by Takeru Hokazono, that introduces fans to Chihiro Rokuhira, a boy who once trained under his father to become a katana swordsmith
"Can't wait for another chapter of peak!"
A term with increasing popularity A combination of on point and fleak It can refer to an excellent or top quality situation/object/event/person.
The best that something can be. Having fun.
Last night totally Peaked.
Shes peaking
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to peak means to find an extreme amount of amusement in something, "peaking" usually results in extreme laughter and joking around. If something is a "peak" it will usually be referred to and remembered as a good memory for a good amount of time after the "peak" has occured. This particular definition of peak also originated from the batting cages of northgate baseball's varsity feild.
"I peak at that kids jokes"
"I was peakin so hard when I saw my brother get hit in the head with a frisbee"
"What a peak"
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