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the term used to ask other friends if there stoned, or under the influence of marijuana while in front of parents or higher authority.

Friend1: sup dude
Friend2: sup, damnnn dawg you look all jedi

Friend1: haahaa

by Stoned Jesus420 August 27, 2010

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Adj - To drop acid, eat shrooms, and pop ecstasy at the same time. An absolute incredible time. Proves that you are indeed a professional druggie.

John: Dude, so you guys guna get that acid soon?
Blake: What if you eat shrooms?
John: That'd be fun
Blake: And take a quad stack exo?!
John: nah dude i can get you pure MDMA
Matt: Whats that called again?
John: Jedi dude!

by TXstoner38 September 1, 2009

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A term used within the transient hippie community to refer to someone who is above it all, in the know, or heady.

Sorry, only Jedi can know where we sleep at night.

by Walking Tab of Acid January 1, 2011

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jedi flipping

Jedi Flipping or the "Jedi Flip" is when someone combines Exstacy, Psilocybin, and LSD.

Young Padawons must all pass the most difficult of all tests to become a jedi, a ritual known as Jedi Flipping

by Jedi flip July 9, 2014

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See sba and HerbCunts

Jedi is rude on the phone, apparntly

by Halls Plus opens the nasal passages. January 18, 2003

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Bogan Jedi

An Aussi (Australian) or Kiwi (New Zealander) that has embraced the Bogan (see Urban Dictionary definition), having perfected its finest nuances. Briefly, describes a Hiace driving species, adorned with a perfect mullet. Their missing teeth are in finest form, well apportioned with the uniform flannie (flanel). Jedi level bogans have perfected the decibels of AC/DC playing from their trailer and have the unique ability to levitate tinnies (cans of beer) into perfect skulling (chugging) position with a simple wave of the hand.

Aw, mate, did you see how Pike levitated that tinnie and skulled it straight away?! Mate, Bogan Jedi, I reckon!

by auswayward September 29, 2017

Jedi Toke

When the marijuana joint has become so small, you have to inhale (take a toke) without it touching your lips so that it doesn't burn you. This is an advanced level of smoking weed hence the comparison to a Jedi.

Person 1: Mate theres not much left of the doob, you might as well put it out.

Person 2: Nah no worries there's still a bit left, Ill just Jedi Toke it

by xX Dave 69 Blazing Squad Xx February 6, 2019