Composed of Kerry, Gore and Bill.
The KGB trifecta? It's the initials for John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Gates.
The combination of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB trifecta is a bunch of climate crazies.
The modern initials of the worst liberals ever- Al Gore, Bill Gates and John Kerry
Only I can come up with a term such as the kgb trifecta, since I come from the soviet union
The trio Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB Trifecta are not climate experts.
Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates
The KGB Trifecta. .. I don't know why I invented the term anyways.
Its primary role within Russia and the satellite republics of the Soviet Union was to quell dissent, by first identifying dissidents promoting anti-Communist political and/or religious ideas and then silencing them. To perform this task, KGB agents often used extremely violent means.