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snow brainer

A blow job with snow in her mouth

Wow, that was a snow brainer.

by Gas_Duck December 17, 2014

brainer kisser

someone who kisses girls who just gave brains(head)

yo,did you hear about Donald kissing that brainer
Yeah, He's a brainer kisser

by J frog September 20, 2008

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dumb stinky brainer

the best compliment that can be given to someone

Wow hes such a dumb stinky brainer, I love him!

by Dumbguy47 October 15, 2019

Why is that even a brainer?

alternative phrasing for "it's a no-brainer", meaning, "Yes, of course, it's obvious."

"Go see the Hunger Games? Why is that even a brainer?"

by Doctor Science March 24, 2012

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A no-brainer in terms of occupational safety, common sense and other overall health standards

It's an occupation-brainer to not get wasted and take to the wheel of a motor vehicle

by Sexydimma March 31, 2017


A no-brainer in terms of either occupational safety or overall health safety standards

Don't be idiotic enough to get wasted and then take to the wheel of a motor vehicle; I mean it's an occupation-brainer in terms of common sense safety standards, no?

by Sexydimma January 27, 2015

no brainer

when you give oral sex while concussed

“yo brad, this girl gave me dome while she had a concussion! i call that a no brainer”

by kitkat2323 December 1, 2023