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a toe is an object used for sexually abusing a nail file.

Jacob :my toe can't seem to stay away from the nail file.

Tim:he sounds like a real toe to me

by hfvadkjsm; May 2, 2018


Neon, a body part that resides on feet, like Neon.

"Neon is a toe"
"No I'm Not!"

by jaker008 February 20, 2021


A device used after breaking something made out of glass. It will find the small pieces you couldn't get.

Mom:Did you get all the large shards?
Daughter:Yes ma'am. I will stop throwing shoes.
Mom:Did you get all the tiny bits?
Daughter:I might have?
Mom:It's okay your dad's toes will find them.

by Moocatmonday dogs! September 16, 2019


Little thingies that come out of your floor slappers so you have extra grip when walking. Also known as grippers.

Wow look at how much grip he has with those massive toes.

Those toes are suckable, they might grip my face!

I can't feel my toes!

by VsE578 December 26, 2022


You stick them in your ass

I like toes. I suck them. I eat them and I fuck them

by A guy who's in love with typho January 27, 2022


Something that you suck everyday when having sex

Shawn: iโ€™m hungryyyyy
Justin: Just suck you fucking toe dumb bitch

by adumbfuxingperson December 10, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tobie the toddler aka my sister

Theres 5 digits on your feet; Austin, Josh, Chad, Micheal and Tobie. Theyre all toes.

by Kayowo July 1, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž