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Toronto (or Turanna, as its inhabitants call it) is a decent city with mainly decent friendly people, that has some residents who think it is better than it is, even believing it to be an amazing cosmopolitan experience and a world class city; these Torontonians obviously haven't traveled much.

Many Canadians from outside southern Ontario hate the city because its "too American" or because we have too much pollution and crime, although for a city our size the crime actually isn't too bad, although I will agree there is too much air pollution during the summer. And while some Torontonians have a bloated ego about their city, overall we are still decent folk, despite what some other Canadians like to tell themselves about us.

Our sports teams suck, but Toronto is the largest concentration of hockey lovers in the world, even though the home team is shit.

The main problem with the city is the endless sprawl, and some parts are actually kind of ugly, and the city could use some beautification. If these problems, along with transportation and pollution, are cleaned up in the next 20 years, as well as reduced housing costs, Toronto could be a really cool city. Theres lots to do and see in Toronto, the people are friendly, and its my beloved home.

Canadian A: "Hey have you been Toronto?"

Canadian B: "I bet it sucks."

Canadian A: "Nah...it was alright."

by DDave August 15, 2007

128๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


How the hell does some guy get off defending our city by comparing it to Detroit??? And no, our subways are not clean, they look like crappy versions of the ones in NYC, but filled with angry persian women and brown kids trying to act black. I see people everywhere pretending to be sophisticated like them New Yorkers, which may be tolerable if they didn't look so constipated and uptight. The government here is just as unoriginal.. while Portland and San Fran are already densifying their metros like Vancouver, the arrogant gas-bags in city council are busy building a big ugly sprawl the size of New York with less than 1/4 of the population. Such backwards mindset over here; I'd move to Vancouver in an instant if a house there didn't cost $750,000.

We need some original people here to help Toronto out.

by Marissa L December 2, 2006

744๐Ÿ‘ 693๐Ÿ‘Ž


Toronto, Ontario is the largest city in Canada.
The air quality is by far the worst in the country, and is nearly unbreatheable at times. The city of toronto has the unmistakable odour of garbage and disel fumes. The streets are dirty. Drivers are rude and obnoxious. Rush hour lasts 20 hours a day. Torontonians are entirely self-absorbed, and often times completely ignorant about the rest of their country. Most Torontonians are unaware of anything that occurs beyond London, Ontario. If you stand on the left side of an escalator, expect to be screamed at by escalator nazis. Everyone is always in a big hurry to be somewhere, or rather, somewhere else. Anywhere else. Presumably this is because no matter where you are in Toronto, you wish you were somewhere else. You must maintain a walking speed of 20 km/h on sidewalks to keep from being trampled. There are about 1000 homeless people on every block. Shootings are common. American flags adorn nearly every building downtown. Expect to pay extremely high rent to live in a slum. The people are pretentious, arrogant, and concerned only with money.

Toronto really sucks ass.

by Joey Jojo Sr. September 7, 2005

613๐Ÿ‘ 568๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most multi-cultural city in the world. It has the dubious honor of being the one place everyone in Canada loves to fling mud at - BUT that would be because it doesn't rain 3/4 of the year and it's not tiny and freezing cold, nor does it need to boast a mall to make it a landmark, it's not on the prairies in the middle of nowhere, and it doesn't want desperately to get out of Canada, and most of all because the average Torontonian just could never out-drink an east coaster! Toronto, Canada's economic centre, pulse of the nation - the rock, the anchor, the pillar that Canadians can't help but love AND yet love to hate. Let's face it - the mud might fling, but it just can't stick!

Just think of it like that guy in school that got all the best grades AND got the girls AND the job AND the hot car AND the nice house. And yet - he's just the best guy! Only he's completely misunderstood. Welcome to Toronto.

by Mr. CanoeHead October 23, 2005

93๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


I can't argue that Toronto is a large city with a lot of venues and establishments to offer. I don't contest the fact that the Toronto Stock Exchange is world class and that the city has plently of world class art and theater attractions. Hell it even has a wannabe times square outside of the Eaton shopping mall.

Having said that, Toronto is different from a World Class city and maybe my equation will help you to see how.

World Class City like New York or London - having a subway out to the airport - having any sense of what nice architecture is like Paris or Boston - having a public Lakefront like Chicago - ever having the Olympics - having beautiful women all over the place like Los Angeles or Montreal - sports franchises that can keep up with American teams + an aids infested gay community like San Francisco + tonnes of homeless people like New Dehli + heroin junkies and worthless runaways of New York City + the ego of Nazi Germany + the scummy air of Mexico City + Violent Jamaicans like in Kingston + the terrorist sleeper cells like Afghanasthan = Toronto

Woah thats a lot of math but I checked in the back of the text book and this is all true.

I live in Northern Ohio and I have been to just about every major in North America and every time I go to Toronto for a ball game or something, I look at the people and think to my self, "I am so proud that I am not one of them".

Torontonian with head up his ass: Hey ya hoser. The Women of Toronto are the hottest in the world eh!

Person who goes to an American University: Mmm. Well if you like hippies, suicidal runaways, annorexic/starving junkies, women that are out of shape, and otherwise good looking women with fucked up ethnic noses, than ya. I'd say you struck gold.
Announcer at Sky Dome: Get on your feet Blue Jay fans and show some civic pride. We are Toronto. We are world class. Lets show the world what were made of.

Cleveland Indians fan: Well thats nice. I don't remember hearing how top notch Ney York City was at Yankee Stadium. I guess New York isn't as good as Toronto.

by Roger Bell September 24, 2006

482๐Ÿ‘ 442๐Ÿ‘Ž


The biggest and the most well - known city in Canada.

There is nothing clean about this city. People from Toronto say that there is a nice clean subway. Please tell me what is clean about our subway i am a bit confused. I live in Toronto and have wondered for years what has happened to this city. I also don't understand why people are constantly acting "ganster" in this city if you really want to be a better city then all the others in Canada try acting normal. They pretend like they are the best when really they are the scum of Ontario.

by ausmriicthteelrlseh October 26, 2006

596๐Ÿ‘ 552๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the worst big cities in the world. The people of toronto absolutely suck ass and the night life is pure shit.

- The last call for alcohol is at 2 am.
- You can't buy liquor or beer anywhere but at a government owned establishment (which most of them close at 9 pm: LCBO).
- The weed is the worst in the world.
- The clubs are pack with dudes, with a ratio of like 9 dudes per chick in clubs.
- The city reeks.
- The majority of people dress like absolute crap and have no fashion sense whatsoever.
- For some reason, most Toronto chicks don't like to hang out with girls or don't have too many chick friends because they all stab each other in the back (haha).
- The toronto Maple Leafs absolutely suck ass (good reflection of the city overall).
- The strip clubs are the worst. The lap dances are 20$ and you're not supposed to touch (of course I do anyway and the chicks like it).
- They have the worst drivers in the world.
- It's filled with fucking annoying faggot douchebags.
- There's really nothing to see there. It's an absolutely shitty version of New York.
- Cost of living is high for such a boring city.
- You go downtown after 9 PM and it's completely DEAD! (except for the shitty "entertainment" disctrict which is filled with dudes laced clubs.)
- People from Toronto hate the city, so need I say more?

In a nutshell, Toronto is New York's retarded half brother.

- There are some pretty hot chicks (from all sorts of diverse ethnic backgrounds).
- The chicks are dumb as hell.
- The chicks are pretty easy to get in bed (especially if you speak 4 languages fluently and happen to be a good looking 6'2 and lean 205 lbs guy like me.)

Dude #1: hey let's go to Toronto Canada to bang plenty of fucking chicks.

Dude #2: No fucking way bro! I'd rather hang myself than go to fucking Toronto.

Dude #1: You know what? fuck it, lets go to Montreal instead.

Dude #2: Yeahhhh, now you're talking!

by BadassDude May 27, 2009

171๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž