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Totem Park

First year students residnce in The University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver.

It is widley known to be the home of trashy student.

Students living there are reffered to as " Totem Ghetto"

Student 1: Hey why are you high, smelly and trashy..?
student 2: Coz iam totem ghetto. i live in TOTEM PARK!
student 1: ohh right..

by aq13 January 28, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

totem pole

to give it up the ass. anal.

kaylob totem poled kayla all through the night, she later told amanda propaganda about the happening.

by kayla magz chaff. December 18, 2007

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Totem poling

When a drunk girl starts dancing behind a guy and wraps her legs around him in an attempt to climb him like a totem pole.

Penni did too many tequila shots and amused her girlfriends by totem poling any guy within striking distance.

by Faster Redhead November 11, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scrotom Totem

1. The act of creating a worshipped object out of one or many pairs of genitals
2. 'Genital stacking'

after the genitals were stacked, the townspeople worshipped the scrotom totem

by John Fuller February 21, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Totem Pole

Guy sits on a couch with a girl facing backwords as he penetrates her. From there, another guy climbs on her shoulders and puts his cock in to her mouth. Another girl climbs on to his shoulders and recieves oral from him, she holds on to a suspended bar to give the totem pole stability.

Guy: Dude, we have a ton of people together! Lets do a totem pole!
Girl: You sure?
Guy: Yea! We gotta do this orgy the right way!

by LastExile November 7, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scrotum totem

An erect penis; A boner

Daaaamn that girl Patrice is a dimepiece, I get a scrotum totem every time I see her.

by Pklove August 21, 2011

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Scrotum totem

Aregardless naked males, regardless of sexual orientation, whose scrotums vertically adjacent.

I awoke to find myself serving as the base of a scrotum totem.

I hope Josh brings the d-nuts to tonight's scotum totem because nothing gets me hungrier than a hot stack of scrote.

by Bookbag Boys May 10, 2011

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