A transphobic slur. Like the n-word for transgender people (People whose sex misaligns with their gender.)
Keith: Your ‘girlfriend’ is a dude, total trannie
Victor: Dude, that’s transphobic! My girl is a girl, dawg. And anyway, you’re cis; you can’t say that word.
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A man or woman who has so little friends that they don’t want to be their gender and seek clout and attention through acting like the other gender.
oh fuck it’s a tranny! RUN!!
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Short Term used for "Transvestite."
Some Ugly Guy: Dude, that chick has a penis...she's a Trannie.
Another Ugly Guy, with an afro: How the hell would you know!?
::They both get into a fight::
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A person who is confused about their gender and/or sexual orientation. A gender-bender is usually over-confident, super liberal, and most likely lives in the country of California. These people(?) are often unattractive to the majority of the crowd and are only accepted on the internet. Though many people will claim to be a trannny because of the clothes they wear, this does not fit the bill.
Tranny: Yeah, I'm a girl now. I got a sex change, do you have any room for a tranny?
Gay pride community: Hmm. So you got your dick ripped off, yeah I guess you're fit for a gay pride community.
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Transfer law students. Noted for bringing their perfect TTT transcripts to law schools they didn't get into the first time. Often spotted stealing callback interviews and jobs.
E: Those damn trannies and their perfect grades are taking all the jobs! Who let these TTT gunners in?
P: They're terrible - even worse than the snowbacks!
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