Source Code

Top ten tip tup

When Tip tup (a name popular streamer wilbur soot used for 1 stream) finds something really good he says that it’s a top 10 tip tup moment or if it’s terrifying it’s a top 10 tip tup terror etc

Me: *gets a pet dog* “that’s a top ten tip tup moment


Me: *finds something difficult to learn* “that’s a top ten tip tup learning curve

by LostChaosJosh April 8, 2021

ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup I

"I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it" sung backwards in the song Work It of Missy Elliott.

Is it worth it, let me work it
I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it
Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup I

by Fangsta December 14, 2003

203👍 57👎

Shar tup

Shar tup, similar to shut up but generally reserved for idiots trying to be funny that don't quite pull it off

Your just a Karen...Shar tup

by Dudly d February 13, 2023


A collection of holes that are close together; particularly, when found in underwear, near the leg holes.

My old pair of underwear were tupped, so I threw them out.

by JBeezer December 29, 2015


Code for fucked up.
Used in places where fucked up would be censored, or wouldn't be appropriate. Less obvious than f'ed up.

That dude cut his dick off, that's f-tup!

by Joshp August 16, 2014


The sound that comes from your belly button when you tap it at a certain angle.

"Damn it, she's tupping again!"
"How do you tup so loud?"
"Can I tup you?"

by juniebitchjones September 10, 2020


The sound that comes from your belly button when you tap it at a certain angle.

"Nice tupping, man!"
"How can you tup so loud?"
"Don't make me tup you."

by juniebitchjones September 10, 2020