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Uncut wontongs

An uncut wontong is a penis with a forskin.

Jay is a big fan of uncut wontongs.

by RANFILTH December 30, 2019

uncut gahhhhhmsssss

would you consider yourself ye's muse?
i MeAn YeA a LiTtLe, MaYbE
what is a muse
i MeAn I wAs JoSh SaFdIeS mUsE wHeN hE wRoTe uNcUt GAAHHHMMMSSSS yOu kNoW wHaT i MeAn tHiNgS lIkE tHaT

boy: did u hear abt megan fox??
girl: wasnt she josh safdies muse when he wrote uncut gahhhhhmsssss

by uncutGAHMSSSSSS March 25, 2022

uncut hog

It is a males penis with the for-skin still attached.

My boyfriend has a huge uncut hog.

by September 16, 2023


Referring to a Kim Jong Un haircut. Being tablelike in quality and resting atop the head in a ridiculous fashion.

What an uncut man, you look like you could tyrannically rule an asian country!

by goferofdestruction February 24, 2021


A tool that refuses to cut the sleeves off his cut.

Uncut is out of the gang.

by Birdie7 December 9, 2021


someone who is a complete shitter. Actual scum.

there's only one uncut in the world.

by lol1.0 July 24, 2021