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The United States of America

The fattest, dumbest, and most self absorbed country in the world.

It's not the United States of America! It's just America God dammit!

by Callumbuddy December 7, 2015

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States of America

The most generous country in the world...sometimes too generous in my opinion.

US:What's wrong world?
World:(crying and sniffling) My kitty died! :-(
US: That's unfortunate. Here's a couple hundred million dollars my hardworking citizens paid. I was gonna spend it on education and defense and whatnot, but you need it more.
World:(takes the money) Cheapass! (spits in US's face)

by The Scrumptrilizer January 18, 2005

812๐Ÿ‘ 914๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States of America

The most wicked, awful, and horrible country in the history of the world. America claims to be the land of freedom and democracy, despite it being a warmongering oligarchy whos propaganda brainwashed millions. It is an imperialist nation that has been fucking over the middle east for decades, and it's own natives and minority populations for decades (via genocide, unjust laws, etc). It also had a hate boner for communism

Thomas Jefferson, one of the men who helped create the united states of America, said in a speech all men are created equal. While at the same time he owned slaves

by Dr.Quackers September 8, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

The center of the world.

Anything not part of The United States of America doesn't matter.

by FlareNUKE August 23, 2006

197๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States of America

A country with citizens who take themselves and their country way too seriously.

Most people will agree that a country is only a symbol and that what it entitles is its population. And what is "population"? A group of diverse human beings.
What makes the United States different from Belgium? Very little. Its policies and laws may be slightly different, and some cultural and traditional aspects are obviously original to each country.
But apart from that, very little seperates them both. Or from any other country for that matter. Our needs and desires are the same.

So why on Earth are so many people debating the topic?!? Many Americans seem to puff themselves up by imagining that the whole world despises them and is continuously plotting either against them, or at least thinking evil thoughts about them.
Think. Again.
I've lived in Asia, Europe and the US. My father is African and my mother European, and I grew up in a French system. I've been surrounded by different people from different cultures since birth.

I can promise you: we aren't continuously fretting about Americans.The only time we really discuss them is when we read the paper or watch TV, ie through the media, and we only really ponder the effects the government's ideas will have on other countries. There isn't any American-bashing.

Therefore please stop victimizing your nation or yourselves. Nobody (in the Western world, in any case) really, sincerely, cares.

US citizen: Why does the whole world hate the United States of America? We haven't done anything wrong!
European: Umm... no. Not the whole world. The only European you'll find bashing the States is an immature adolescent who needs to sound clever by hating some political figure, and doesn't read the paper so picks the only country he/she knows a little about.

by Rousseau October 2, 2006

413๐Ÿ‘ 477๐Ÿ‘Ž

the united states of america

A country that every other country begs for help because they are falling apart, we help them out of the the goodness of our hearts but the moment something that goes wrong its our fucking fault and were made the villian.

other country " oh help us help us!!!!!!"
the united states of america "sure of course"
the united states of america " really, because you didnt feel this way when we were bailing your asses out"

by Broski1469 March 8, 2010

115๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

The best country in human history and for all you know, the best country in the history of the universe.

Q: Has there ever been a country better than The United States of America?

A: No.

by TR0N1C June 7, 2010

106๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž