What celebrities, politicians and companies do when they are trying to be politically woke.
J. K. Rowling: Btw, Dumbledore was in a passionate gay relationship.
Everyone: Uh, ok... Where is that in the books and movies?
J. K. Rowling: Nowhere, i just made it so.
Everyone: Why are you saying this only now? Back in 2007 (when the last Harry Potter book came out) only one state had gay marriage legalized. Don't you think the LGBTQ community would have liked your support more back then?
J. K. Rowling: ...
Everyone: ...
J. K. Rowling: Well... but now he is SUPER gay.
Everyone, to each other: man, virtue signalling like this is just so pretentious.
J. K. Rowling: Also, have you heard about Hermione?
Everyone: please stop.
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A scheming, disingenuous act of kindness and selflessness to show ones solidarity with a cause, such as volunteering for CAMHS, all to boost ones image and reputation, rather than to help the cause. It is commonly weaponised by politicians and used in debates to appease the majority.
Synonyms: I have no life, I'm a cuck, please give me attention, stop mansplaining
Antonyms: I'm smart, I'm sexy, I'm not a 28 year old living in his mother's basement, I've got a nice schlong
Examples of virtue signalling:
- Jeremy Corbyn introducing his pronouns during a speech on Pink News
- Simon Cowell allowing a mediocre comedian to progress to the finals of Britain's Got Talent because he was disabled
- 18 year old college students stating their obvious gender pronouns in their Instagram/Twitter bios
- Wokeness - wokeness is virtue signalling, and virtue signalling is wokeness
- Michelle Williams' irrelevant and unnecessary speech at the Golden Globe Awards
- Refuting the scientific reality of biological sex
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A sense of unease that arises when another person in your circle appears more progressive, inclusive and ostentatiously virtuous than you. The endgame of virtue signaling.
Sally: "Human Resources gave us rainbow stickers to put on our folders, but Bob put his on his office door to signal his total inclusiveness. I wish I'd thought of that first!"
Martin: "You've got a bad case of virtue envy."
The act of adding political causes to one's dating profile in an attempt to weed out partners of the opposite political persuasion and to assert you own political purity.
Man, look at all the hashtags in this girl's profile
Eh, she's just virtue singling
What Chris Cuomo certainly is not.
I don't know who you'd consider a paragon of virtue, but it's certainly not supposed to be Chris Cuomo.
Man: What are the theological virtues?
Priest: Faith, Hope, love
Advocating a political or philosophical position, and/or taking up a public cause, from a position of vanity, for the primary purpose of demonstrating your conformity with fashionable pop culture values.
Angela's sudden advocacy for the local pet shelter was mostly an exercise in public relations and virtue signalling. She had never much cared for dogs and cats before, but she instinctively understood teary-eyed public support for defenseless animals generally said something good about her as a person.
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