War is stoopid with one caveat -> UNLESS IT'S NECESSARY!!!
Leftwingers always forget about the one caveat and just say 'war is stoopid' which of course they only say when a conservative is president.
War under a liberal president = AWESOME!
War under a conservative president = THE END OF THE WORLD/"WAR IS STOOPID"
The first law of survival:
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The complete breakdown of human civilisation.
war, the language of the inarticulate
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2. war
gods way of teaching dumb ass americans geography.
A: say where the hell is peru anyway
B: i dont know mr president lets go to war find out.
A: yeeehaa hot diggidy im gonna shoot me some peru's
B:peruvians sir
A:what ever get the nukes warmed will ya
Source: super k8ke, Dec 19, 2003
^Fuck off ya donkey raping shit-eater!
Americans know geography just fine that's why we are able to kick all of you're sorry faggot's asses!
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bombing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
The best current example is the war in Iraq. WTF?
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Patriotic Genocide, the act of killing other humans in "organised" combat, usually for some sort of monetary gain.
see also murder
War = killing, homicide, genocide, rape, taking other people's lives to which you have no right.
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organized violence between two or more nation states. usually initiated for the purpose of increasing power, capturing resources, or self-defense. wars result in the death of many "small people" while increasing the wealth and power of the victor's elite. the average person usually supports war because he/she is ignorant/scared/angry/bitter/cowardly/racist.
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some braindead hippie wrote:
"52. war
The result of petty arguments between two countries who cannot be civilized because they do not have the mental capacity for it."
Yeah,that's like saying that if a mass murderer rapes and kills a bunch of innocent women that it's only because they couldn't be civil because neither the murderer nor the women had the mental capacity for civility.
See how you blame the victim along with the predator?
Sorry all you pinko hippies but,life just doesn't work the way you idiots "fantasize" that it should.
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