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the punishment for nerds, geeks, and the uncool given by someone cooler where their tighty whities are pulled up very high from behind while they are wearing them

i gave the nerd a wedgie and then hooked his tighty whities on a post and left!

by big boy111111111 March 15, 2006

87πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


When ur briefs are pulled up ur crack.

My family tortures me. My birthday present? A wedgie. And tighty whities. Im serious. My whole family comes to my house and gives me wedgies. Then the grand finaly, my dad and brother strip me and then make me put on my dads underwear (which are huge) and then they lift up both sides of the underwear to over my head, lift me up, carry me to my room, put me on my bed (which by da way is 2 hooks to hang my underwear on 7 ft of the floor) and leave me there after duck taping me there
Yep, ive grown used to it.

by wedgiesreciever101 May 6, 2010

28πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


noun. a prank in which the victim's undershorts are jerked upward so as to become wedged between the buttocks

"That wedgie tore up my boxers!"

by DaSwede March 15, 2005

139πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


a wedgie is when someone grabs your underwear and pulls them up to cause pain. there is many diff. types of wedgies but the most common one is when the back of your waste band is pulled up causing your underwear to go up your butt. One of the most painful wedgies for a guy to receive is a front wedgie. This is because the underwear rides up your crotch causeing pain and squishes the males penis and balls.

my friends and I were all wrestling, it then turned into a wedgie war. I was for sure given the most.. and i got the most painful one. A front wedgie. it was so bad that my boxers ripped in the front!! my balls and penis hurt so bad

by painful wedgie May 23, 2010

31πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


When one grabs the waistband of another's underwear and pulls with an upward motion to cause pain....though most people find them nice and pleasing

Jhon:have u ever had a wedgie?
Jake:Yeah....have u
Jhon:Yeah I kina like them

by the broken oneπŸ’” April 24, 2015

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


when one's underwear is pulled by the way to spend as high as I can go pain in the ass Or Butt

my friend gave me a wedgie in my boxer briefs Ripped right off

by asskickasss January 2, 2014

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


wedgie are when some on come and pulls are boxers as high as they can

when i was going to my nan's house i went to see my cos(he is 18 and live next door)i was going staying at my nans, but i stayed up late the day befor,so i was tiered, so i when for a nap in my cas room, when he saw me asleep he tied my leg to one side of the bed and my hand to the other, when i wark up, i saw i was tied and called for help, no one was there, when he here me he came upsteirs and gagged me with a sock and got two belt a looped them arpond the leg holes in my boxers, pulled relly hard and tied the belt other side of the belt with my hands cand coved me with a blankit, he told m nan that i was stiying over his house( i was oing to stay over the summer and 3 month over my nans). Every day he wound of fend me lot of water so i wet my self and one sosage,every hour he wourd of pulled hared on the belt and tied them again, for three week i was like that, then he tack all my close and made me were his very big boxers (and i mean they where big)but i told him no, so he noked me out and did it,tied me up agian the same way but the wedgie turd in to a atomic wedgie, he gave me more warter so i pissed my self more and shit my self more i was lke this for 6 week ='(
now every time i sleep over my nan's of the week end he dose the same in a day of what he did in the 9 week but less pain form the wedgie so he kick me in the balls, and i am going aver tomorrow!!!!!!

by i hate my cos November 27, 2008

34πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž