N. When the level of ones butt hurt reaches critical mass and the idividual whines, cries, or complains uncontrollably in hopes of someone else's simpathy
Stop with the tears, you sound like a whimpy kiddy baby whiner!
A car whiner is usually found on Reddit (mainly r/UrbanHell)
Car whiners constantly complain about american architecture, specifically the interstate system. They always complain about how cars are bad for everyone and love liberal cities such as Seattle or Toronto for using public transit
Man 1: I hate cars, public transit 4 life
Man 2: Public transit is dirty and filled with homeless people, stfu Car whiner
A black kid that never once got their ass whooped as a kid, but somehow all they can talk about is how much harder it is to be them than it is to have lighter (especially pale) skin (usually to try and walk over or manipulate people that experience has taught them tend to be easier to manipulate than their own people).
All the functional marginalized whiner did was complain about how immature and dysfunctional all these so called privileged whites got to be, if only he/she could act that way like he/she wished for as a kid (as the stereotype goes, all the blond kids were having all the fun).
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A black kid that never got their ass whooped by an authority figure (such as a parent) as a kid, then they get out into the world where not everybody has to be nice or refrain from cursing all the time and all of a sudden it's harder to be them than it is to be anybody (especially somebody with lighter skin/hair).
Nobody ever picked on the functional marginalized whiner, instead people usually picked on people they thought were easier targets, people with lighter skin and hair, people that seemed more childish and fucked up, people that didn't seem as together.
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A parent who complains about everything you do because it isn't what they would do.
"Oh my gosh my parents complain about everything I do. They're such whiner parents."
Mostly specific to Discord.
Some annoying, lazy-ass individual who complains about getting role-wide or server-wide notifications, sometimes even of being personally mentioned, when they could simply change their settings or their status instead of making everyone else deal with the consequences of their laziness.
Angry Ping whiner: "Who pinged for some stupid reason again?!"
Admin: "How about you take five seconds to go in your settings and disable notifications instead of being a ping whiner?"