a white guy that has the mind set that he is black. it is not known why they do this or why they think it is cool but most people think these peopleare complete douchebags. luckily with all the reflective jewlery and shit they wear it is easy to run them over or to spot them and give them shit. some girls find these men attractive, however they are losers who say they have banged tons of girls and in fact are still waiting on certain parts of puberty to arrive. they are all in all stupid people that need to get their head straight.
guy 1 "wow, look at that guy over there... hes such a wigga."
guy 2 "seriously... he must have terrible lighting in his house... cus when he looks in the mirror he thinks hes black."
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a fly white boy that hangz with hiz crew
me aka g-dogg n justintime
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a person who ppl call dumb but really isnt as dumb as ppl think. They jus simply like rap music n look up to rappers, but get ridiculed for the clothes that they wear no matter how they act.
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a craker trying to be whole wheat bread.
scotty watson is the biggest wigga.
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a mix between a white person and a nigga that acts like a gangsta
alex c. is trying not to be a wigga
Black people that are only infatuated with white people.
Lexy, you ain't no nigga, you a wigga.
a person who believes that they are of a dark skin colour and act as if they are part of urban culture even if they are from the suburbs. dont be fooled, its not only caucasians, its also asians
most chavs you see in fubu and phat farm who use the words dag and walk with a limp