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n. contraction of "white nigger" or "wanna-be nigger"

a "white nigger" is a white person who grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood, and as a result acts, speaks and dresses like he or she is black. If you call someone a wigger meaning "white nigger" you are insulting their culture, and social background.

a "wanna-be nigger" is a white person who wants to be cool, and as a result acts, speaks and dresses like he or she is black. If you call someone a wigger meaning "wanna-be nigger", you are calling them a poser, and a sell out to their race.

Eminem is such a wigger!

by Webster Papadopolous July 11, 2004

1003πŸ‘ 481πŸ‘Ž


1. (A term used to describe a caucasion, usually male person, who talks, dresses, and acts as if they are black. Many of them prefer having black friends over having white friends, some even have no white friends at all. They wear high top sneakers, triple fat goose winter jackets, baseball caps with a flat rim brought down almost as far as their eyes, and jeans that are 5 sizes too big which hang very lightly over their hip bones. Many speak as though they were Dr. Dre himself.)

2. (A white person who WISHES, whether secretly or not, that they were black instead of white.)

*note added: This term applies ONLY to caucasian people, as speaking "black" basically means to talk like you're a rapper, and there are MANY hispanics and asians out there who talk this way but yet you may not refer to them as "wiggers."

John: "Daaaaag yo, that bitch is bangin', dog!"

Eddie: "Dude, stop speaking ebonics. YOU'RE WHITE! You're not in N.W.A."

John: "Maaaan, why you gotta hate on me all the time, G?"

Eddie: "Cuz, I'm hoping that you being a wigger and all is just a phase you're going through, and that it'll be over soon!"

by hitman617 June 15, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Whites mainly, either obese or skinny shits who think that the way they dress makes them hard, or even black. In actuality the true black man can’t afford 200 dollar shoes or some 90 dollar idiotic XXXL enyce shirt. A black man can barely afford a shitty car and aint no damn walking talking smiling pathetic attention-hungry loser. These insecure wegroe's are just in actuality a mutation of the rich jock, (if not worse) and thus a pet peeve to society. Some think they're black. A real black man is mad and pissed off 24/7 and doesn't give two shits on what the he wears or reps. Even other races are acquiring this immature way of living. They talk broken english and believe this gains creditability but this whole wigger movement is a move out of desperation and an immature escape from manly hood. A cheap desperate approach to getting laid.

We need to get out of Iraq and start wigger crusades. No no no, they prefer to be called, "wegroes."

by Markos September 29, 2005

253πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


An incredibly stupid white kid who needs his ass whooped. His parents need to whoop his ass, and you may do it too.

Look at that idiotic wigger. Let's go whoop his ass.

by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005

519πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž


A wigger is a white person who is trying to be black. He usually isn't very good at being black.

If you are white and were born in a ghetto, it's okay if you act black. Otherwise you suck ass. That's my philosophy.

Just be yourself.

I went to Kindergarten with a bunch of black people, but my family moved. So I'm not gonna even try to be a wigger.

by BlueArmoredWolf January 13, 2004

387πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž


middle class suburban white kids who think they're thugs, but who would get shot the fuck up in about 6 seconds in a real ghetto.

Vanilla Ice being hung from a balcony by suge knight

by ThaOriginal January 24, 2005

89πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A young caucasion male usually between 12 to 25 years of age(although specimins as young as 7 and as old as 30 have been reported)who either thinks he is or wants to be black.They listen to extremely lame rap(lil waye,Birdman,50 cent,G-unit,Flo Rider,Souljah boi tellem and other foolishly and or fatally untalented rappers).Usually seen wearing imitation baseball caps,low cut t shirts,doo rags,bandanas,hoodies,tracsuitpants,skate shoes,sunglasses,chains and other assorted "bling bling"etc.The average wigger acts tough but is always a complete coward especially when alone so they always travel in huge packs and congregate on street corners and are seen harrassing elderly citizens and young children and bragging about how they 'beat up that cop'(lie)or how they 'robbed that asiasn cunts' store or how they 'fucked dat hot chick last friday'(also lies).Wiggers will only attack when in large numbers and when they do they show little mercy and signs of discipline,prefering to use human wave style tactics against the weakest and smallest prey in an attempt to reduce any other possible opponets will to fight.Although it is possible to physically beat off these attacks the best defense when alone is the use of wepons such as baseball bats,knives and in extreme cases firearms(even the smallest .22 pocket pistol will cause a gang of 300 wiggers armed with bats,knives etc to shit their pants 2 million times each and run away at full speed)and other lethal weapons.However when the opponent is in numbers(over 2 people)most gangs of wiggers even with weapons will be to scared to attack and will leave immediatly.The language of wiggers is although occaisionly humorous,is hard to understand as it is a rip off of ebonics which sounds very strange when spoken by a white male.Most commonly used words and phrases are Yo,Homie,Gat,Piece,how we do,bust a cap,wat up,its cool,dog,brutha,homeboy,girl,dick,fuck,cunt,shit,hater,crew,da,paya,sick and other idiotic terms.Despite their faults wiggers are highly succsessful breeders impregnating there ugly slut girlfriends with wretched babies who usually become wiggers themselves due too extreme lack of parental guidance.If old and intelligent enough for a drivers licence wiggers may aquire a car which is usually a piece of crap.wiggers spend thousands of dollars(source of money unkown) on useless modifications for their vehicles.Wiggers will have little or no respect for non black people but in the prescence of a black male they will morph into full on arselickers which the said black male will find pathetic(although humorous).Wiggers are terrified of the dark due to wigger folklore tales of multiracial gangs that stalk the streets at night hunting for lone wiggers,therfore wiggers will never go out at after dark unless acompanied by at least 4 "homeboys".The wigger scourge has spawned several sub species such as: Chavs(UK):similar to wiggers that have infested most of britain with no signs of slowing. Lads(AU):A multiracial version of the common british Chav that are becoming an increasing phenomenom in Australia. Ulehs(AU)Lads of Lebanese descent. Chigga's(US)Asian wiggers. Crab Gangsters(Worldwide)A sect of crab people that has abadoned its evil crab roots to pursue a more human lifestyle.Hated by all other crab people

bunch of wiggers on the corner:wigger 1:Yeah Bro i kicked that cunts arse wigger 2:yeh dawg he was playa hatin so he had it coming Old man walks past Wigger 3:Ay man wat yo lookin at Wigger 2:yeah old man get yo wrinkly arse out of here befor we fuck you up Wiggers surround old man and old man pulls out a gun Wigger 1:Yo dog why yo playa hatin? old man shoots all three.

by dinner dog August 3, 2009

38πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž