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Windows is an common, popular operating system developed by Microsoft. It comes in many improving versions which are released every 1-4 years. It uses a simple point-and-click graphical interface for easy navigation. Windows can be used both for simple tasks that any newbie could carry out, complex operations involving months of coding and studying, and everything in between. Windows used to be highly unstable and prone to crashes, but they fixed that when they made Windows XP. They also got rid of DOS when they made the XP. Some versions are: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millenium, and Windows XP.

I used to use Windows 98. It could play my old favorites like DooM, but had a lot of problems and frequent, unexplained errors. I have Windows XP now. I mis DooM but not the errors.

by Party Pooper September 12, 2004

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An operating system that is quite easy to install and use. Crashes more often than not ('98 does anyway), but is generally a nice OS for people who want to use a computer AND have a life outside of the house at the same time.

Windows just crashed so I threw my PC out of the window.

by Kris November 4, 2003

57๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


At first it was a graphical shell designed by Microsoft that added much-needed 32-bit preemptive multitasking to the otherwise inferior monolithic monotasking 16-bit DOS kernel. These shells are the "win9x" series of Windows--every version from Windows 95 through Windows ME (previous versions of Windows were 16-bit). A parallel project called Windows NT (which would later evolve into Windows 2000, Windows XP, and soon into Windows Vista), a true 32-bit preemptive multitasking OS (read: no DOS), is in the process of replacing the win9x series. All are surprisingly insecure.

Architecturally, these are all inferior OS's when compared to their main competition: UNIX and its derivitives (i.e. Linux and *NIX OS's, and Mac OS X). Arguably, they only managed to gain a marketshare because the UNIX community had been in a state of decline in the mid 1990s, and Linux wasn't user-friendly enough to take the market (i.e. there was a power vacuum). All Windows OS's and shells are plagued with numerous security holes inherent to their monolithic design: because all essential parts of the OS's are so tightly integrated, not only is it extremely difficult for a development team to attempt to fix a problem without creating more problems due to the interdependencies inherent to the monolithic structure, but also any security flaws in ANY component of the OS (or shell) could be used to somewhat easily exploit any other system components. This, coupled with the fact that none of the Windows OS's are true multi-user systems (unlike time-sharing systems like UNIX and its derivitives), thus making it easier for a user to do significant damage to the system without using the administer account, makes all of the OS's undesirable for mission-critical applications (including server use), or even for regular internet use. In fact, security analyses show that Windows suffers from so much malware and cracker/script-kiddie attacks mostly for its flawed design, rather than its popularity. One should also note that popularity is only indicative of effective marketing, not quality.

The only "worthy" use for this software is to play games--its large userbase has attracted 3rd-party multimedia programming and hardware development firms more than any other OS in history. Consequently, most hardware in the computing world works or can be made to work with Windows. Even now, this unique feature is deteriorating as more and more developers cross-compile their software for Mac OS and Linux (i.e. NVIDIA Corporation writes a universal driver for their video hardware that will work with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux).

Even with a broadband connection, an unpatched installation of Windows XP usually cannot download and install the necessary updates before it is infected or exploited.

Mac OS X, Linux, BeOS, Mac OS Classic, and other (somewhat) current OS's with merit, however, are either virtually immune to malware (UNIX and derivitives are compartamentalized and modular, making it virtually impossible for a user, or a program executed by a user, to take control of a system without root privilages), or are too obscure to effectively develop software for in the first place.

by Judecn July 26, 2006

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A shitty operating system modeled after a good operating system that did the same things 10 years earlier.

by Anonymous October 18, 2003

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An OS that started out slower and less powerful than other OS's, but due to it's amazing Start button, it became popular. Then came Windows 95, the revolution of computers. I sure loved Minesweeper. Then came Windows 98, a buggy OS that really didn't improve much upon antyhing from 95, but it was new. ME made it even buggier but at least it added a new recycle bin! The current installment, Windows XP, was said to improve upon the way we looked at Windows. Yes, when I turned on that computer I saw a big green blob as my start button. Thank goodness for classic mode. The new Windows XP improved upon the stability, but not enough to match with the Mac. However, the Windows stays dominant because of it's original monopolization and the fact that it supports more games.

I use Windows to pwn my friends online! I use my Mac when I wanna get something done, though.

by Anonymous August 17, 2003

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is door

helo want window?
yes verynice take winow for free/

by RespectTheFancy April 16, 2021


1) A sheet usually made of a clear material, such as glass, that is used to allow sight and occasional air flow, while otherwise retaining the characteristics of a wall.

2) When getting into a car, calling 'window' is required if there are more than four people. Usually, one person will call shotgun, then the next two will quickly call window. Calling the window behind the driver is also wise, as the driver is usually closer to the wheel than the passanger, thus, more leg room. The person who hesitates the most ends up bitch.

1) It was getting hot, so I opened up the window.

2) Shotgun was already called, so I quickly called window so I wouldn't get stuck sitting bitch.

by The Sub March 20, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž