Source Code

Half Windsor

When having sex with your girl, and your pants are by your ankles. Having sex quick without getting undressed.

I gave my girl the Half Windsor right before my friends picked me up.

by Nate Dizzle MA March 30, 2006

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Full Windsor

Sit a girl indian style and roll her on her back,then with your ass pointing towards her head squat and point your cock and plunge it in either hole.

So I was giving this chick the full windsor and I snapped a fart off of her shin! It was awesome!

by ghphilly October 25, 2009

29πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Windsor, Ontario

A small gambling city in south-western Ontario. Known for bars and strip clubs. The highest rated casino in canada is Caesars Windsor. The only city between Miami florida and montreal Quebec where you must stop at a stop light on a major highway. Much of the city is currently employed by the automotive industry, but is transitioning to green energy creation. There are lots of strip clubs in windsor. The Black-Berry Billionaire grew up in windsor. Don't make fun of asian's here. Legal drinking age is 19 unlike 21 in detroit, attracting lots of 19 and twenty year olds to the Windsor club strip.

person1: "Yo bro lets go drinking!"
person2: "but im only 19!"

person1:"Hey why is there so many wind turbines here?"
person2:"It's Windsor!"

by canadiankidfromontario March 31, 2011

37πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Windsor Tunnel

Sexual act named after the tunnel which connects Windsor, Ontario, Canada to Detroit Michigan. In it a man has anal intercourse (or HRA, hot rear action) with a 19 year old girl in the alley behind _____ (insert name of Windsor bar here).

It should be noted that 19 is the legal drinking age in Canada.

β€œHey bro, where you been?"

"I just fucked that drunk american girl in the ass in the back alley!"

"Ah, you just took a detour through the Windsor Tunnel my man!"

by Misuk Shawncok June 19, 2008

24πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

University of Windsor

A university where all kids drive Chrysler Cavalier F150 and sunfire's.

Where weed flows like water in river, and the desi jams have nothing but men and bad BO.

Everyone has pizza plus on speed dial, where drug dealers have email for faster delivery.

The leddy library is a social club where people go to study but end up re-grouping for weed session and some more ps3.

More time is spent on weed and ps3, then talking to family, friends, class, and more many mandatory important life items.

The business and Law programs are exceptionally well and compete with Ivey League schools.

Sartaj: Dude, Lets play FIFA and leave the University of Windsor
Vaibhav: dude, after one more joint..
Tushar: Someone roll, please....im sobering up...
Vaibhav: shit, no more blunt wraps

by AmirAli911 January 26, 2009

64πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Windsor Locks

One of the smallest towns in CT, the only reason its a town is due to the airport. the youth in the town is rapidly becoming deadbeat hippies, pregnant, wankstas, drug addicts, felons, sex offenders, muslims, blacks, or white kids with hondas acting like they have fast cars. you will never find another place in the world with more "fake" people, even the ones that claim theyre friends will set you up and stab you in the back. theres more drama in this town than you'd most likely see in a major city. relationships in this town are pointless as every female is open like a frontier, and the guys tend to cry pathetically over dumb broads. everyone acts tough but are quick to call the police. and i hear herpes is running rapid throughout the town. if you ever go to this town, it'd be best if you leave instantly

jim- "wanna go to windsor locks"
joe- "what is a windsor locks"
jim- "a speck"
joe- "ohhhhhhhh, thats right, im alright with not getting a disease, or being a dope head"

by UncleStacks June 2, 2012

29πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

windsor terrace

a really cool neighborhood where only the cool people chill except when we are to cool for our own neighborhoods, cause you know we gotta keeps it cool

windor terrace is the shiit son. they mad cool there. i wish i was as cool as those windsor terrace kids.

by tiffany who is NOT emo October 17, 2006

25πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž