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in replacement of hey, gets attention of person and makes them feel compelled to answer text.

Yeo Friday night thoughts did you get anything out of your time with me? just curious.

by livluvbeanz October 17, 2022


A sound made a specific way to another another especially asians, old people and teachers.

*asian walks past*
You: Yeo

by Joogie_Yeo December 14, 2019


A greeting sort of like yo but with more energy. You can also use this term to catch someone's attention.

Yeo shawty with the blue hair

by NYC words September 12, 2018


"Yeo" is a Northern Irish expression of happiness
Yeo is often used when there is a link between people or in a coincidental situation.

happy feckin days/that's feckin cool/your so bloody right/I see what your doing/this is funny/you are winning/ let's make this situation mental ..." ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Most common usage: when a suggestion of alcohol or fun has been made.
Pronounced: yurrooooo

Question: "Jojo will we go to the bar and get steamin?"
Response: Yeooooo

by Theryouaresoitis March 3, 2017


another word for yep derived from spelling mistakes frequently made

yeo, i finished that a couple days ago

by that'swhatshesaidx September 8, 2022


YEO meaning:
Y - your

E - eyes

O - only

Sally messaged Jeremy some YEO pics last night!

by Uncooked_fettuccine December 6, 2022


A short version of "of course".

Person A: You coming to Dominos?
Person B: Yeos.

by Mr.Lalnon October 12, 2018