Source Code

Jan 8

The day you have to ask your crush out and they have to say yes!

You: Will you go out with me?
person: n-
You: Its Jan 8
Person: ok

by 19283ndyeg January 8, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

September 8

Give him/her a chance.

September 8

by Tomas the dank engine September 6, 2022

Room 8

A room full of retards that need help going poopoo on the potty

Aman can't shit on his own. He must be from Room 8!

by Marniechan August 13, 2023

November 8

National Danielle Cohn day

Friend:”Hey bro it’s national Danielle Cohn day!”
Other friend:”No way I didn’t know November 8 was national Danielle Cohn day!!We should do the tik tok!!”

by Okay122122 November 7, 2019

51πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Prop 8

A step taken by right-wingers to strip gay people of not only the right to marry, but all of the rights and benefits that come with marriage. It blatently writes discrimination into the Constitution and makes same-sex marriage illegal.

Voting "No" on Prop 8 is voting in favor of same-sex marriage and the rights of gays while "Yes" on Prop 8 means that gays will have their rights taken away.

Contrary to right-winger's claims, Prop 8 has nothing to do with children or schools or religion. Their claim that same-sex marriage will be taught in schools is ludicrous; schools don't even teach about OPPOSITE-sex marriage, and even if they did, it would be to teach about different families. And it is not forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages or suing anybody or supporting the private agendas of any judge. These claims are nothing more than fear-mongering and twisting of the truth. This is not a religious issue; this is a civil rights issue.

Prop 8 is all about discrimination and taking people's rights away. Regardless of how one feels about gays or about marriage, it is immoral to take people's rights away.

And using children to encourage "Yes on 8" is as low and as despicable as Ann Coulter and Fred Phelps.

And that people are raising millions of dollars now, in an economic crisis, to write discrimination into the Constitution, is appalling. Money that could be put to good use is instead used to fund hatred by a bunch of meddling bigots who are nosing into something that is none of their business.

by Lorelili October 31, 2008

288πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Section 8

01: Any U.S. Armed Forces discharge based on military assessment of psychological unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.

02: Any soldier given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge.

03: Any person that's considered: anti-social, mentally-ill, a wrong number, a lunatic, a madman, a unstabled personality, a unstabled creature or a deranged person.

Section 8 as in what's going on in your head, not with you having Social and Rehabilitation Services paying the rent and et cetera, et cetera.

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant November 9, 2004

525πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž

April 8

National suckk dick day

Bro it’s April 8 that’s national suck dick day did you get sucked off yet

by Baggyfuzzjew April 8, 2019

179πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž