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Boogie is a human being

“Boogieeeeeeee” *in weird whispers* boogie is a fun person to talk to. She’s usually just hanging around.

by And the chocolate factory November 22, 2020


An adjective to describe a large quantity

Pronounced (BOW-GEE)

Ex. Damn I just smoked a boogie blunt I can't even move

Ex. Shit her ass is boogie

by Tunt tunts March 9, 2017


An affectionate name given to your favorite person or animal

C'mere Boogie!

by AtinySeonghwa April 30, 2022


Slightly less offensive alternative to the racial slurnigger”.

That neighborhoods filled with boogies.

by Roarxd420_69 April 14, 2018


A raw ass nigga who got a lot of motion and would fuck ya mom

I wanna be like that nigga Boogie when I grow up

by youhavenomotion December 12, 2022


A fuck boy get on my damn nerves

Boogie A fuck boy get on my damn nerves

by antiasf June 4, 2021


Intelligent ,hardworking , humbled person

To be straight to the point with things .

"I was trying hard to seem boogie when I went to the job interview "

by Joshua jones May 6, 2018