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Someone who is the best at everything

He's just so good at everything he does, he's a Runners

by Super Word Man July 21, 2022


Can refer to someone working FOR television/film. Will gloat to others they work IN television/film. When the reality is they are just a bitch boi and think the sun shines out their arse.

Guy: “I work in television”
Guy2: “Oh really, what you do?”
Guy: “I’m a runner
Guy2: “So you’re a bitch boi then”

by MarctheNarc1812 October 24, 2023


A stock or security that goes up. These can be very rewarding. These are the ones you forgot you own and leave you up 360%. The ones that make a grown man cry. The ones that make you want to fly. This kind of gain can solve all your problems in life. Enough to make any grown man living in his mom's basement cry a river. LAMBO SOON. HOLD THE LINE. HOO HOO HOO

(this is not a source a financial advice either. Stop taking advice from urban dictionary dammit)

"Yo bro, I bought call options on this runner Gamestop yesterday and its up 4000%, Should I sell?"
2 weeks later:
"Bro this caviar is sick, come visit me and my wives on my sky yacht in Monaco! Only 3 weeks trading and I'm already a pro!"

by stocktalk101 May 11, 2022


A player in a video game that runs from a player trying to kill you, by running you avoid losing the reward players would call you a runner

EZ runner noob afraid to lose bounty

by knxka March 23, 2022


An individual who sells drugs for himself or an organization.

Im outta town these week hit up my runner if you need a bag.

by Lil Zaddy July 11, 2017


A runner is a smexy person and if they are a girl then they are most likely to date/marry someone named Graham, Gabe/Gabriel. Anyone wants a runners because they can be beat in races and get to go on runs with them. Runners have tiny tatas but thats ok because they have muscle b00ties.

Look at that hot girl, she must be a runner.

by #beats the boys #sporty girl June 10, 2022


A fucking pussy who tries not to get their ass beaten by some guy with op stats. This person is also most likely a troller who hits people and when they get chased, they become sonic.

"You see that guy over there? That's a runner AKA a pussy."

by User Found June 2, 2022