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Australian death punch

During sexual intercourse with a female who is an diabetic, you pull her pump off, punch them in the face, and then stick it in her ass.

Ryan showed her the australian death punch last night.

by i Am Mekanix November 11, 2020

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australian cattle dog

Hardy, quick witted, aggressive. Not a dog for beginning pet owners. Loveable. Will herd your children like cows. Will hear you the first time, but you wouldn't know it. Great at long hikes and being passive agressive. Famous for the "side eye" and "stink eye".

Person A: So I hear you have an Australian Cattle Dog. What's that like?

Person B: I had to apologize to the dog for eating MY lunch or she would have vomited in my shoes...

by SHELLARAYE April 5, 2018

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Australian Tea Party

The act of fucking a bitch, upon ejaculating into a cup of tea, mix that shit up, and as she drinks the tea, kick her in the throat like a motherfucking kangaroo.

I was railing Stace last night, and I thought I would be a gentleman and have her an Australian Tea Party.

by Dahhomie November 17, 2013

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australian wine fountain

taking an un-opened bottle of whine or champagne, then popping the cork off and imediately shoving the tip up the females ass as the fizz jets out of the bottle into the female. usually followed by putting the wine that drips out of the female into glasses and drinking it.

Robert: dude did you have your girlfriend over?
Danny: of coarse i gave her one hell of an australian wine fountain
Robert: nice bro me and my girl should try that

by rampage1379 January 12, 2010

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Australian Push-Up

An up-side-down push up. It is where you lie on your back and move your arms up side down.

In gym today, I did Australian Push-Ups all day.

by MW2 Freak January 4, 2011

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Australian Ice cream

When a man cums upon a woman's face, then proceeds to lick it off as it was ice cream.

Jim jizzed on Linda's face, then licked it up like it was vanilla ice cream, that's an Australian Ice Cream for ya.

by Rory Von Biggaballs July 15, 2009

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Authorised by the Australian Government Canberra

The best line in the whole entire film or movie.

*credit scene after movie*

Davo: Aye mate, that was a pretty good movie! Should we head out..?
Trev: Wait mate, the best part at the end..
Davo: What?

Screen: Authorised by the Australian Government Canberra

Trev: That’s what I’m talking about. ;D

by Big Seth Everman Energy December 28, 2019