Brodie is usually known to have a big penis, very funny but not good “in the classroom”. Brodie is extremely strong and Good at sports. There is a high possibility that his dad’s name is Darren. He is moderately tall and has a lot of freinds.
Brodie is (usually) addicted to masturbating or pornography.
Look at him, he must be a Brodie
Brodie is the type of guy to be quite tough but really cares.
I <3 Brodie
P1: I thought Brodie hated you?
P2: Nah, he likes me.
brodie is a big fat guy with a 6 foot long dick that loves having someone to have sex with all day. but can never find anyone so he does it with his mom but only cause she doesn't want her 3 year old son to be sad
mom : have a nice day?
brodie: no I have not had sex yet today!
mom: meet me upstairs
He has the biggest cock and is the best person ever
Brodie is good in bed
These small cold blooded creatures tend to suffer from hyperactive kleptomania, severe nicotine addiction, and also looks and smells like a little bitch that needs to stop giving handy mannies for $1.00 behind the gas station dumster
Yo nigga
Did u c dat small ass retarded nigga get hit by that bus going mach 7 while trying to blow smoke rings and 3 midgets simultaneously
Yeah nigga
Thats what I call a Brodie
an android, no money, no females, bad fits.
yo that brodie dude really blowing mine, why his drawls wet?
To “pull a Brodie” is to do something utterly stupid and pointless, for the act of having fun.
He pulled a Brodie and got on top of the Walmart freezers.