A general term to describe the non-white peoples of the world. This term supplants the archaic "people of color". The term is emerging as a common one within the discussions between Black Nationalist/Pan-Africanist scholars (among other relevant cultural nationalist groups).
People of Culture are in a state of perpetual resistance to the pressure of Eurocentric hegemony.
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1.A subculture that originated from punk rock music, in the early 1990s. People that follow the emo style may wear tight clothes, side swept bangs, and alot of black attire.
2. A genre of music that originated in the 1990s from punk rock, and alternitive.
Some emo bands may include
dashboardconfessional fall out boy from first to last
and my chemical romance
He must be part of the emo culture, He sure is dressed like it.
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Where you dont eat enough calories in a day because u feel fat or u have an eating disorder.
Demi Lovato went off on froyo place because of the "Diet Culture"
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bi-cultural people; people who are brought up with a mix of two cultures from their home country and the country that they migrated to
i am bi-cultural because i have been brought up by my parents in their culture as well as my new country's culture
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A term that weaboos love to call themselves (even if they're anything but a man of culture).
Some creep: *jerks off to loli*
Your average joe: Well... this person... can definitely use therapy.
"Men of culture" (porn addicted weaboos that moderates 72 Discord servers, 914 Subreddits, and tried to groom 82013 underaged girls): AhH, i SeE yOu'Re A mAn Of CuLtUrE aS wElL
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LOL @ all the teenybopper definitions.
The guy who said they need to be stoned to death got it right.
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calling something bad good and over do the same joke 300 times
-Yo rascim good
-i see you are assimilated to poppt culture