The best friend in the whole entire world generous, kind and beautiful with every fibre of his body. Loves cats, music, games and series. He brings a smile on my face whenever I see him, regardless of my mood.
Just the best vibes tbh!
Jan-Eric has the cutest curls!
A verb describing a godly sex maneuver in which one begins to glow with a heavenly aura, very similar to world famous pornstar Eric Wickboldt.
John: "Bro, I Eric Wickboldted my girl in the ass last night"
A big nosed freak who is also a HUGE weeaboo and will suck a dick for some loose change
That Eric Baillargeon would give suck to anyone for some spare change
Verb - to Eric - to ditch plans with the lads in order to spend time with a female.
Insult - someone who partakes in the previously mentioned activity
Origin - Thirsk, North Yorkshire
"Awh man. Connor is ericcing to see his bird."
"Don't be an Eric Shitbag Connor"
The opposite of a wedgie. When somebody pulls another persons shirt over there head. I came up with this fine word when I was sitting at a window, and some guy yelled "Eric Milder!".
Jimmy: He gave me a Eric Milder!
HughGeeRection: lolwut.
Creepy Asian guy with 6 pack abs who starts every Tinder conversation with "Want to have sex with you. How tall are you. What's your number?"
A guy pulled an Eric Wang on me when he wanted to have sex right away instead of actually getting to know me first.
That's so Eric Wang of you to treat that girl like a piece of meat.
I'm no Eric Wang! I respect women!
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The act of eating out a horse while in possession of a lightning McQueen action figure
Bro I Did the Dirty Eric With Bobby last night
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