Fake fucking, pretend sex, as done in movies, TV series,etc... All the rhythemic moving, none of the "action".
Every 6 minutes in Game of Thrones features people faux plowing like its nobody's business.
That show is a neverending faux plow.
getting a package in the mail, (when its' definitely NOT christmas!) whether you have forgotten you ordered it or not!, kind of like sending oneself flowers!
my new auto-suck came today, and it was GLORIOUS!, feels like faux christmas
got several packages today (in june) feels like faux christmas!
When you’re getting older in age and your full facial hair resembles a fu Manchu because the only non gray whiskers form the shape of the famed mustache.
Hey babe, the only dark hairs on my fave look like a fu Manchu.... A faux Manchu!!!
When you kiss a mirror, and it looks like you are kissing yourself.
I caught Doug doing faux kisses and he was really getting into it. Should we talk to him about it?
A fake phone call you take on your cell phone when either a.) you see someone coming you don't want to talk to, or b.) you want to end a conversation abruptly.
"That stupid ass mascot at the ballgame came over to fuck with me again!" "Fortunately I was able to whip out my cell & take a Faux Call and that goody bastard ignored me"
done by mis-pronouncing the word faux foh as fauks
person1: wo, man he totally just got me on that fauxfauks five
person2: wow what a faux up
A pet name or term of endearment for a platonic friend; faux used in the sense of pretending you have a romantic relationship and boo used as a person of the gender or sex for whom you experience sexual attraction
Faux boo: How'd the interview go?
You: I got the job!
Faux boo: Congratulations! I'm so proud of you
You: Heart you my faux boo