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Angel Diaz

Tha foo flaked cuh

by Krayzie24 November 18, 2019


Angel Diaz

He told us to meet him up but he flaked last minute

by Krayzie24 November 18, 2019


A type of person who makes plans to meet with you, then they don't show up and leaves you wondering the reasoning of their absence even when you have texted and called them several times to see why. When you confront them about their behavior, they cut contact with you or make you feel like you done something wrong to them. A flake is a deceitful, unreliable person who is often misjudged as being caring and kind. It is best to stay away from these people if you don't want to be taken advantage of.

Tess promised she will go to a party with me last week but then when I arrived there, she never even showed up. I texted her why she ended up not making to the party but she left me on read. What a flake.

by butterflygirl511506 October 20, 2021


Baltimore slang where snowbunnies be getting fucked any type of way tag-team/trained any type of way just like a glake.

Yousa Flake

by Baltimoreslanggg March 28, 2024


Someone who You invite then constantly changes plans to not come and or when you do invite them they never agree to come

I invited my friend to come and last min they cancelled, with a lame excuse such a flake.

Or you never agree to do anything you are super flaky.

by The1DON January 12, 2020


Used to describe someone unreliable who constantly makes or agrees on plans to catch up or makes promises to help out, then either cancels at the last minute or just doesn't show at all without any explanation, and may give excuses you have come to suspect over time are lies. They do this not because they are forgetful, are disorganised because of having ADHD, an illness that can flare up, or have actual emergencies they need to attend to, but because they wilfully decided upon something better to do or just couldn't be bothered.

This is often a person who is weak in character, has little willpower, and lacks tenacity and may consider a social engagement promise or appointment to be a flexible arrangement. They can find it too boring to do something serious or constructive when they could be off having fun, and become impatient or feel unstable when they are not feeling that they are having a wild time. They tend to be careless with their responsibilities towards others and inconsiderate of those they are inconveniencing. Possibly has a personality disorder or addiction problems.

They can be someone who is never in anything for the long haul despite having professed to have committed to it. It could relate to their general staying power in a job or a relationship.

(Adj., flaky) describing a person who is flake as in the above definition.

(Verb (intr.), flake)
The act of ditching plans with in favour of something better or out of plain laziness.

(Noun: flake)
"Cynthia let me know she'd help me clean the house every week until the job is finished. I'm not hanging out for her all weekend this time. I know she won't ring or show. She always promises the moon and never delivers. She's cancelled twice in the past six weeks and the rest of the time I just don't hear from her. Probably off enjoying herself with friends or nursing a hangover from Saturday night. She is such a flake."

(Adjective: flaky)

"I'll give her relationship with her current girlfriend three weeks; she is so flaky."

(Verb: flake/flaked)

"Why do I even trust any of his promises? It's been three hours since he said he was coming. He's totally gone and flaked on me again."

by Starbright11 March 17, 2019


Nicholas Labonte

Nicholas Labonte is a flake.

by KinkyCurlyCouture September 8, 2018