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The #1 most effective Birth Control option. More effective than condomsand pills combined.

boy: "hey baby, did you see my fortnite win i posted on my snap?"

girl: "ew im breaking up with you!"

by HadToGooglePsuedonym November 4, 2018


A newly discovered form of cancer. It takes place mainly in 9-12-year-olds, but there are certain cases in which fully grown adults also contract this disease. Unlike other cancers, this one is contagious and can be spread by brainwash, blackmail, bullying and peer pressure from the former loved ones, who are now just online "friends".

Sam: hey i play fortnite
Me: oh im sorry so whens the funeral?

by My Life Is Meaningless October 24, 2019


A game that causes guys to lose their girls because they give more attention to the game than their girlfriends. Also they post their wins on snap but really no one cares about it. (Except some people)

ex: my boyfriend isn’t responding to me because he is busy playing that stupid ass game fortnite

by pettyassbitch_ March 18, 2018


PUBG is better.

It will give you deseases such as: cancer, hiv and aids

Free Fortnite VBucks OMG 👉 hellnofu.com

by manghle September 8, 2018


A game were men sweat until their balls are dry. They always swear and get mad when they die, especially to a 3 year old.

Wanna play fortnite?
No that's a pit full of sweaty mens balls!
Dont forget the 3 year olds who can destroy them!

by Patiencelol December 31, 2022


God's biggest mistake

Person 1: Hey guys! Have you played Fortnite yet?
Person 2: Leave

by LilPoster June 28, 2018


A free gay game broke niggas play when they can't afford good PC to play PUBG.

It's also the birth of shitty fortnite wins on Snapchat.

Person 1: "bruh, you wanna play some fortnite."
Person 2: "nigga im already gay."

by Masahiro "Big Nigga" Sakurai March 26, 2018