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Bald Headed Giggle Stick

1. Slang, noun;

Any variation of the male penis, erect or otherwise.

2. Slang, adjective;
Used to describe the drunk uncle that crashes Christmas dinner and is usually the only one still smiling at the end of the evening.

Ex. 1.
The cheerleader's eyes widened when she gazed upon the Varsity Quarterback's bald headed giggle stick in the back seat of his father's Oldsmobile.

Ex. 2.
That bald headed giggle stick, Uncle Eddie, drank all the egg nog!

by LeeWay1974 December 5, 2019

Golden Giggle

Laugh so hard you urinate

randy gave her the golden giggle while tickling her.

by practicalpreacher May 21, 2022

Giggle Bubbles

When someone with a runny nose suddenly laughs and makes a bugger bubble unexpectedly.

Person 1 - Sarah laughed so quickly she made a booger bubble!
Parson 2 - lol her allergies give a lot of giggle bubbles!

by Mr.pepper April 30, 2011

under giggle

When you are feeling extremely horny and you try to hold back laughter, but you fail and end up snorting. Usually resulting in a boner kill.

"She was about to suck my dick, but then i got major under giggle."

by manwithmanyhands April 4, 2016

Breathe giggle

When someone exhales short and quick breathes but also sounds like they are giggling or laughing at the same time. Short bursts of quite laughter.

"She likes to breathe giggle so that way her laugh isn't too loud to wake everyone else up."

by dumpling765 December 20, 2019

Giggle Goose

Somebody that giggles often..

I love to see a giggle goose

by Alex Garrixsons May 15, 2023