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honey roasted

When you compliment someone, but insult them at the same time.

I wasn't expecting your baby to be so adorable!
'Damn, did i just get honey roasted?'

by Hightower-Otaku November 28, 2015

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Honey Bunch

A sweet, sexy, talented, kind & funny man.
Ten from NCT & Super M

Ten I love you my honey bunch

by Lil Alienn December 18, 2019

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Perfection. Honey-Mai is the perfect girl. She has the perfect personality and the perfect body. She is always looking very fit. Honey-Mai is usually found with her boyfriend, and cares a lot about her family, and the people of whom she loves. People don't appreciate her like they should.
She has beautiful dark hair, and cute freckles. She also has a nice ass which only her boyfriend can enjoy. Her boyfriend is usually Jacob.

Jacob to friend: Honey-Mai is so fit, I'm so gassed she's my girlfriend.
Friend to Jacob: Yeah, I wish she was my girlfriend.
Jacob to friend: Well, it's to bad I'm never letting her go.

by 231119 May 15, 2020

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tea and honey

Tea and honey is another way of saying let's have sex covered in honey

Hey want some tea and honey

by Wassup mandle August 5, 2017

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Honey Dip

A Chi-town based word usually pertaining to a male or female friend with benefits basically meaning you can have a booty call with this person and and then go back home to your MAIN guy/girl and have no ties what so ever with them. Also they never know where you live or even have the number to your main line of communication Cell, two-way, blackberry, e.t.c.

Girl I'm about to go meet up with my honey dip real quick so I'll call you when I get home.

by Shay September 9, 2005

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Honey G

When I say honey, you say G! Xfactor finalist and amazing rapper, honey G is the best of them all!

Oh my goodness, have you seen that rapper honey G yet? She's an absolute legend!

by XxManchesterUnitedxX November 5, 2016

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honey mustard

greassy sweat that builds between your nut sack and your thigh.

hey dude smell my honey mustard. yummy!

by Master Bytr October 11, 2004

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