A sink full of dirty dishes that have been neglected due to excessive gaming.
I'll be right back, I've got a bad case of gamer sink to take care of.
v- to take a dump
Boys, I have to go sink the eight ball!
a spicy alternative to whatever floats your boat
person 1: you should run over that limp squirrel
person 2:NO, you penis I'll run over the downy woodpecker
person 3: whatever sinks your dink!
A person who in a bar is drunk and and is in need of water so they go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet.
there goes the sink water baptist! he think he slick!
Verb. Learning from the things that drag you down in life and swallow you up. Sinking well is turning your pain into something productive whether practical or creative and abstract. When you feel like complete crap and scrawl out a poem, that is sinking well.
"This break-up is really tearing me apart, I have to sink well."
"I can't believe how much this hurts. I don't know what to do." "Sink well, man."
Colloquial term used to describe the act of drinking lager beers, or 'wets'. The term can be separated into it's component parts, 'sinking' and 'wets', with either used in isolation - for example one can drink wets or sink beers. However, it is widely accepted that this kind of cross-terminology is best avoided and the traditional 'wet-sinking' used exclusively.
In relation to wet-sinking are associated descriptive terms such as 'wet-shy' or 'wet-nasty' , the former referring to an individual who either abstains from a sufficient amount of wet-sinking or does not reciprocate the purchase of wets while the latter means an inebriated state that may occur as a result of a lengthy wet-sinking session.
In some corners, wet-sinking may be accompanied by song such as the well-known anthem 'We're on the wets'.
Coco and Richard were out wet-sinking again last night. Coco was so wet-nasty, he exposed his old scatch in public!
Where a male cums and doesn't have a towel to let his swimmer go in so he puts his pp in the sink to wash it off.
Mom didn't do laundry last night so I had to squeeze it in the sink.