super amazing guy. he's sweet, funny, caring, cute/hot, lovable, playful, and a bit of a trouble-maker. he has pretty eyes, and he says some of the sweetest things in the world. he's unique. he always knows how to make you smile or laugh, and can definitely cheer you up when your down. he's very trust-worthy, and you can tell him anything. yes, he's some-what perverted and says perverted things sometimes, but only says it to make people laugh. alot of girls like him, but he's not the type of guy that goes and dates every girl he can get. you should feel special if you get close to him, because he doesn't let many people get that close to him. jesse is just awesome. <3
jesse gonzalez is a bad ass
Jesse Mousdale is one of the local Collie coal miners out in WA. Jesse’s favourite activites include mining coal all day, making some og disstracks on the austro boys and his most favourite thing to do is touch his sister and his uncle called cletus. Jesse is known for being a retarded sister fucker.
Brayden *Omg lchap did you know Jesse moulsdale is coming to This school*?!
lchap *no way what the hell i thought he was a collie inbred coal miner*!! jesse moulsdale
Jesse and Jessie got married forever, forever, forever!!!
Jesse Squared got married on December 25, 2029.
Jess is a person who wants to go out with Noah but it will never happen
Jess is so stupid to think that she is gonna go out with Noah and become Jess Schnapp
A shy, yet cocky young man who is way taller than you'd think.
After meeting Jesse Kay, his fan Thomas realized how tall he was.
Similar to china really fucking big and wide love food and if he fell over rolls down the hill. Cock-small. waist-fucking massive. Similar to a snowball, once he eats one thing he doesn't stop growing
person 1: you look like kai Jesse
Person:2 nom nom nom what cunt
This guy is so cool, they wrote a song about how hot his girl is!
Fucking a Dirty Jesse is like fucking a rock star.
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